Speaking on Subjects of the Heart

The heart can transform into a sanctuary for the soul.

Alize Henry
Balanced Growth


Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupery

🌺🌺 To all my readers, Welcome and Abundant Gratitude for reading.🌺

I went into my heart and sat down
Looking around at the drab colorless walls

The usual vibrant rich reds bled out
Broken, ashamed, angry, lonely

Life’s turmoil usurped the vibrance of purity
Marred each ventricle filled with resentment

Waiting there in the shadow of yesteryear
left the rooms of my heart gray, black, and bleak

Incredibly kindness edged itself once again renewing
Melding brokenness and sealing loneliness’ cracks

Sunlight toasting barren remnants in splendid hues
Relinquishing charmless drabs into radiating healing

Tickling woes once cried hopelessly deep inside misery
Laughter erupts in my heart’s walls, lifting, opening its windows



Alize Henry
Balanced Growth

A passionate Reader across a variety of genres and topics with versatility as a writer who can delve into both imaginative and real-world themes.