Offering Support
“Another Reading Spree!” ~Justiss Goode
Justiss Goode | F😄M is a great support in helping to get our work recognized and enjoyed — by offering a reading spree.
She asks, “Is there one particular story you can think of right at this moment, that you feel deserves some extra attention?”
I began recalling many different stories, articles, and poems I have read that left lasting impressions on my emotions and returned to my thoughts from time to time. I enjoy highlighting and giving recognition to other writers’ works.
But I have many favorite writers’ works that I enjoy and appreciate and I can not offer only one. I decided to make this article all about several of the many brilliant artists who write on this platform.
My offering for their work is from the most recent and up to some of the first stories I was blessed with from the start. Enjoy!
- From Worrisome Waters by Taryn Ariel
“nature’s nourishment returns, as she rings her gorgeous gong
feathered friends fly, feeling…