“What IS Freedom?”

The Right to Choose One’s Own Way

Alize Henry
Balanced Growth


Photo by Nidheesh Kavalan on Unsplash

The Freedom Series

Here we go again, trying to define words that have multiple meanings, none of which capture the essence correctly. How does it feel to be free? Are you free? How many of you truly know freedom? Many of us think we are free. LOL…

What is freedom?

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines freedom as “the condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc., whatever one wants to, without being controlled or limited.” Vocabulary.com defines freedom as “the condition of being free; the power to act or speak or think without externally imposed restraints.”

A summary of the Fraser Institute’s document titled “Conditions for Freedom” states, “These conditions are interrelated and often depend on societal structures and governance that respect and uphold these freedoms.”

The institute lists several conditions of freedom: Positive Freedom, Negative Freedom, Legal and Civil Rights, Economic Freedom, Political Freedom, Freedom from Fear, Freedom of Expression, Personal Autonomy.

Photo by Grianghraf on Unsplash



Alize Henry
Balanced Growth

A passionate Reader across a variety of genres and topics with versatility as a writer who can delve into both imaginative and real-world themes.