Knowing The NFT Community In Indonesia

Baliola Marketplace
Baliola Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 5, 2022

Currently, NFT is a hot topic of discussion in various community forums because it is considered to make it easier for art creators to trade their art. Although the popularity of NFT in Indonesia has only skyrocketed recently, the development of digital assets started several years ago. So how do you want to join? Before that, let’s learn more about NFT and its community in Indonesia.

What is NFT?

Although it has been around since 2014, NFT is now increasingly recognized because it is considered a reasonably practical method to trade art digitally. NFT became known in 2017 when the NFT game, Crypto Kitties, was launched. Where users can play games based on the Ethereum blockchain, they can adopt, raise and trade pet cats virtually.

Turning to the definition, NFT itself is a digital asset that can be in the form of valuable goods with an exchange rate that cannot be replaced. Then the transaction will be recorded in data on the blockchain. The data contains information regarding the creator, price, and ownership history of the NFT asset. It is also considered one of the limited transaction processes and has a unique code for each transaction. Generally, NFT transactions often use ether or ETH, an Ethereum coin. Every NFT digital asset does not have an exact exchange rate. Each NFT has a digital signature with little or no possibility of exchange with other NFTs. This means that one NFT clip does not have the same value as another. Well, even so, anyone can see the full range of digital works that are being sold. Then what is the form of NFT?

NFT comes in digital formats, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, etc. If you have NFT assets, you can use these assets for buying and selling goods wisely and wisely. You can start selling them by printing one of your digital assets as NFT. Some items sold in NFT can be works of art, games, and others. Documents can also be very easily converted into NFT. Of course, the final selling price of the work will depend on subjective factors such as quality, creativity, and reputation.

NFT Community in Indonesia

Currently, the NFT market in Indonesia can be increasing along with the increasing popularity of NFT among artists and non-artists alike. One of the supporting factors is the existence of the NFT community in Indonesia. Not only can art creators join, everyone who wants to collect NFT or who wants to continue to follow the NFT trend can join the existing community. In Indonesia, there are also several NFT communities that you might try to join, you know…!

1. Baliola

The first community that you might be able to join is Baliola; Baliola is a marketplace that accommodates artists and creators in marketing their work in non-digital form or the state of NFT. Not only creators but collectors can also join this community. Joining the Baliola community is very easy, namely by visiting Baliola’s Instagram and clicking the link in the bio.

2. IndoArtNow NFT

The community you can join is IndoArtNow NFT. Currently, IndoArtNow has more than 1000 members. You can join this community through Discord.

3. Creative NFT

The next NFT community is Kreavi NFT. Kreavi itself is indeed a community that accommodates NFT creators in Indonesia. More or less currently, 334 active members are members of Telegram. The NFT Kreavi Community has also done Live on the Kreavi Facebook Page related to NFT talks.


IDNFT can be said to be one of the NFT communities with several members. Currently, there are at least more than 3300 members of Discord. IDNFT is active in helping artists to start their careers in the NFT world. One of the activities held by IDNFT was the “NFT Entry Class,” which was conducted through the Discord channel.

5. NFT Community

The Nft Community is one of the NFT communities with approximately 375 members. To join the NFT community is relatively easy. You can directly visit his social media on Instagram @komunitasnft, then click the link available in the bio to join Discord.

6. Tokocrypto Ecosystem

As one of the largest crypto asset exchanges in Indonesia, Tokocrypto is also present in facilitating the development of NFT in Indonesia. Even though they have previously presented TokoMall, which is a unique marketplace for NFT exhibitions. The Tokocrypto Ecosystem is here to accommodate actors working in the NFT ecosystem in Indonesia. To join Tokocrypto, you have to visit their NFT server on Discord.

Benefits of joining the community

The strength of the community is also one of the essential factors in the success of the NFT business. As a first step, the thing that must be done for new creators and collectors who want to be involved in the NFT world is to enter or join the community. Because there will be a lot of guidance and input from seniors and colleagues in our community, here are some of the roles and benefits of joining the NFT community:

1. As a Place to Share Experiences and Education

If you are a new creator who wants to dive in and have a career in the NFT world and are confused about where to start first? You don’t have to worry! Joining the NFT Community, which contains many creators, will undoubtedly make it easier for you to follow some of the developments in the NFT world. The existing members will certainly be very open in sharing their experiences or education about all things NFT. Don’t feel embarrassed, and you can directly ask the chat room if you want to ask something you don’t understand about NFT.

2. Place for Promotion

As previously discussed, the NFT community does not only consist of creators. Collectors who are interested in starting an NFT collection can also join. Therefore, this community also has a role for creators who want to promote their NFT art to get potential buyers.

3. Generating NFT Artists with Various Styles and Art Forms

All creators can join this community. Of course, this can bring a variety of creators who have their own styles. Indirectly, of course, the NFT community is influential with the birth of several new art streams and forms from NFT.



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Baliola Blog

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