Eurovelo — the European cycle network

Ned Dervenkov
Balkans Everywhere
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2017

45000 km of bike routes around Europe. Who would have thought?

Did you know that there are over 45 000 km of trans-border bike routes in Europe. Here is more - there are another 25 000 km in development so hopefully by 2020 there will be more than 70 000 km of bike dedicated routes in Europe — that is almost twice the length of the equator. Boom! It is a good time to start biking trans-nationally, here is why.

EuroVelo is a network of 15 long distance cycle routes connecting and uniting the whole European continent. The routes can be used by cycle tourists as well as by local people making daily journeys.

Some of the routes are suitable for first timers in the long-distance, self-supported tours. For example — the most complete route to date, with full signposting between France and Serbia, and with detailed mapping available throughout, EuroVelo 6 — from the Atlantic to the Black Sea is the perfect choice for a first long-distance tour. Passing through 10 countries over its 4,448 km (2,764 mile) length, the route follows three of Europe’s major rivers — the Loire, the Rhine and the Danube. This naturally flat topography, combined with the highest quality cycling infrastructure ensures a safe and pleasant ride. Easy-peasy!

Many EuroVelo routes incorporate a historical theme — EuroVelo routes 3 and 5 follow ancient pilgrims’ trails and EuroVelo 2 links some of Europe’s great capital cities. For the most poignant reminder of Europe’s recent history we recommend following EuroVelo 13 — the Iron Curtain Trail, along the border which divided the continent between East and West for half a century. EuroVelo 13 is also the longest trans-Europe route, at 10,400 km (6,462 miles). Keep it fit — both mentally and physically!

If you’re travelling with young kids then look no further than EuroVelo 15 — the Rhine route. At 1,320 km (820) miles, the entire route is very manageable in a month-long summer holiday. In this time you’ll follow the Rhine through four countries from source to sea, taking in some magnificent scenery on the way. The route is the first to be awarded the European Route Certification Standard, ensuring an exemplary level of infrastructure throughout.

Soon we will be trying out the Bulgarian part of EuroVelo 6 as a soon to launch official route. A 5 day bike trip to remember! Surely there will be some awesome photos and stories to share.

Balkans Everywhere is an exponential project whose different timelines you can follow on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube. Join us in the comments, we will really appreciate it.

