Priyanka Govindaraj
Bal Katha
Published in
3 min readDec 22, 2020

There was a beautiful garden in a small village. The garden was famous for it’s beauty and the way it was maintained. The gardener worked very hard to make sure the garden looked stunning every time. People from far away places came to visit the garden.

The garden was even more popular because of the flower area. It had wonderful flowers . The garden boasted of flowers like roses,lilies,marigolds and jasmine. The flowers were very well maintained and thus attracted many visitors.

Although, everything looked fine, all was not well in the flower area. The other flowers didn’t like the roses. The roses were beautiful but the other flowers didn’t seem to think so. They always tried to find loopholes in the roses.

Marigold said,”Well, the visitors were happy to see us,weren’t they? Although, no one went closer to roses.”

Jasmine replied,”Yes. Because they have thorns. Who can touch them?”

Lilies added,” True. We are lucky. People can at least see us properly and can feel how soft our petals are. Poor roses.”

All laughed but still roses didn’t utter a word.

At night,one of the roses asked the other.

“Why should we have to bear such comments? I wish i could tell them we too are beautiful.”

The other rose replied,” We know that we are beautiful. That is enough. Some day, they too will know about it. Some day, they will understand why we have sharp thorns. Don’t worry.”

One afternoon, the gardener forgot to lock the gate of the garden before going to lunch. Some children living nearby came running into the garden and straight to the flower area.

They were very naughty and started to pull the flower plants in mischief. They pulled the marigolds,jasmine and lilies and didn’t care how the flowers felt. They were in so much pain. After this, the children went near the roses and tried to pull them harder. Once they touched the rose plant, they screamed in pain. They cried loudly. Hearing the noise, the gardener came running inside the garden.

He said,”Who gave you the permission to get in and ruin the garden? Go out everyone. Don’t you know the garden is closed in the afternoon?”

One child said,” The gate was open so we came in.”

“Ask for my permission next time. Now go and heal your palms. Go now.”

The children went home and the gardener spent hours fixing the flower area. The plants recovered as their roots were intact.

After few days, roses spoke to the rest of the flowers.

“You always made fun of our thorns,right? Well it was our thorns that saved us that day. Now you know. Now let us live in harmony.Appreciate what is beautiful as we do the same. You all are more beautiful. Do you know that?”

Rose continued again,”Jasmine, there is no match for your fragrance. Marigolds,your name and color stands out. You decorate everyone’s home. And lilies, you are very pretty and so beautiful. We all are unique in our own way. Let’s understand this and live in harmony. What do you say?”

The rest of the flowers felt ashamed. They agreed and lived in peace with the roses.

