Priyanka Govindaraj
Bal Katha
Published in
1 min readApr 29, 2020

There was a beautiful city. The city had a beautiful zoo. It had all the lovely animals and was pretty popular.

One day, a little girl visited the zoo with her parents. She was fascinated by the animals, but she was attracted most towards an elephant. She went up close to see it and was very happy. It’s long trunk and big ears attracted her the most. She found it really beautiful. The elephant too,was very happy to see the girl. It flapped it’s ears with joy whenever it saw the girl.The girl visited the zoo very often just to see the elephant.

One evening, she came to see the elephant as usual. She was running very fast and she fell down. She hurt her arm pretty badly and cried in pain. Her parents took her to the nearby hospital and the girl soon disappeared. The elephant saw all this but couldn’t do anything. It felt sad. The girl didn’t turn up for months and the elephant waited for the little girl. It didn’t look cheerful and this became a matter of concern to the zoo keepers.

One day, the girl showed up. She ran towards the elephant and the elephant too became very happy. The zoo keepers were surprised to see such bond between the two and thought that elephant’s prayers were finally answered.

