Priyanka Govindaraj
Bal Katha
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2023



Mira was fond of watches and she wanted one desperately. Some of her friends used to come to school with watches tied to their wrists and she always admired them. She told her parents about it and they promised to get her one on her eighth birthday. Mira got excited and couldn’t wait. Her birthday was approaching and she constantly reminded her parents about the gift so much, that they probably started seeing her face instead of the clock whenever they looked at it to know the time. Finally her birthday was a day away and her mother said, “Mira, tonight at 12 o clock, you will get your present. It will not be a surprise since you already know what it is.”

“Oh mom, it’s fine. I want nothing more than the watch”.

“Okay. Go to sleep then.”

Mira didn’t sleep. Finally she got her present and she was overjoyed. It was a beautiful watch and the time was perfectly set. She finally slept.

Mira woke up next morning and saw the watch again. The time was still 12 am and she was confused. She got ready for school and she couldn’t wait to show the watch to her friends. Her watch has stopped for some reason and she went downstairs to show it to her parents. She saw an elderly woman in the kitchen and asked puzzled,” Who are you?”

“Didn’t you recognize me? I am your mom. My God Mira, you are still the same even after 20 years.”

Twenty years? “ Mom, how did this happen? I am still in school. Where is dad?”

Her dad appeared soon and he looked older too. Mira couldn’t understand what was happening. Soon she heard a voice.

“Mira, you wanted me more than anyone and anything. Look, i have stopped the time for you. I will be with you like this forever.”

“This is not what i meant. I wanted you to keep moving. In a normal way. Like you live with my friends. Wait. Are they older too?”

“Right you are. They are in college and are waiting for you to join them.”

Mira ran outside her home and everything had changed.Her friends couldn’t recognize her and she sat on the ground with the watch in her hand. Soon she passed out.

“ Wake up Mira. Wake up.” The watch kept saying. Soon she woke up screaming and saw her mother. She looked younger and everything was normal.

“Mira, were you dreaming? Get up now and Happy birthday dear. Here” Her mom handed her a present.

Mira took it opened it to see what it was. It was a watch. Mira was happy. She finally realized it was all a dream and got up to go to school.

