Connecting Ballerina to AWS Redshift: A Quick Guide

Ballerina Swan Lake Tech Blog
3 min readJan 8, 2024

This article was written using Ballerina Swan Lake Update 8.0 (2201.8.0)

Are you looking to harness the capabilities of AWS Redshift seamlessly with Ballerina? Look no further! In this quick guide, we’ll walk you through the straightforward process of connecting Ballerina to AWS Redshift, enabling you to make the most of your data integration needs.

Step 1: Installing Ballerina

Begin by installing Ballerina on your system. You can find the installation guide here. Follow the instructions based on your operating system to get Ballerina up and running.

Step 2: Setting Up AWS Redshift

If you haven’t already set up AWS Redshift, follow the steps outlined in the official AWS documentation to create and configure your Redshift cluster. Make sure to note down the necessary credentials and connection details.

Step 3: Integrating Ballerina with AWS Redshift

Now comes the exciting part! Open your Ballerina project or create a new one, and let’s start integrating with AWS Redshift. First, import the necessary Ballerina AWS Redshift packages.

import ballerinax/aws.redshift; // Get the AWS Redshift connector
import ballerinax/aws.redshift.driver as _; // Get the AWS Redshift driver

Use the following Ballerina code snippet as a template, replacing the placeholders with your actual AWS Redshift credentials:

// Connection Configurations
configurable string jdbcUrl = <JDBC URL of the cluster created>;
configurable string user = <Admin user name given when creating the cluster>;
configurable string password = <Admin password given when creating the cluster>;

// Initialize the Redshift client
redshift:Client dbClient = check new (jdbcUrl, user, password);

This basic setup establishes a connection to your AWS Redshift cluster. Customize the code based on your specific requirements and data processing logic.

Step 4: Executing Queries

With the connection established, you can now execute SQL queries from your Ballerina code. Use the query and execute functions to perform operations on your Redshift database. Following are the complete code samples.

  • Query
import ballerina/io;
import ballerina/sql;
import ballerinax/aws.redshift; // Get the AWS Redshift connector
import ballerinax/aws.redshift.driver as _; // Get the AWS Redshift driver

// Connection Configurations
configurable string jdbcUrl = ?;
configurable string user = ?;
configurable string password = ?;

// Initialize the Redshift client
redshift:Client dbClient = check new (jdbcUrl, user, password);

public function main() returns error? {
sql:ParameterizedQuery sqlQuery = `SELECT * FROM your_table_name limit 10`;
stream<record {}, error?> resultStream = dbClient->query(sqlQuery);
check from record {} result in resultStream
do {
io:println("Full details of users: ", result);
  • Execute
import ballerina/sql;
import ballerinax/aws.redshift; // Get the AWS Redshift connector
import ballerinax/aws.redshift.driver as _; // Get the AWS Redshift driver

// Connection Configurations
configurable string jdbcUrl = ?;
configurable string user = ?;
configurable string password = ?;

// Initialize the Redshift client
redshift:Client dbClient = check new (jdbcUrl, user, password);

public function main() returns error? {
sql:ParameterizedQuery sqlQuery = `INSERT INTO your_table_name (value1, value2)
VALUES ('Example', 'Data');`;
_ = check dbClient->execute(sqlQuery);


Congratulations! You’ve successfully connected Ballerina to AWS Redshift. This integration opens the door to efficient data processing and analysis. Feel free to explore more features and capabilities of both Ballerina and AWS Redshift to tailor the solution to your specific use case.

Now that you have a solid foundation, dive into the world of data-driven possibilities with Ballerina and AWS Redshift!

Check out other cool packages provided by Ballerina in Ballerina Central.

Ballerina is an open-source project. We value your feedback and contributions. Please provide feedback, questions, issues related to the Ballerina RabbitMQ package in Ballerina Library GitHub repository.


Versions used in this article:

  • Ballerina: Ballerina Swan Lake Update 8.0
  • AWS Redshift client library: ballerinax/aws.redshift:0.1.0
  • AWS Redshift driver library: ballerinax/aws.redshift.driver:0.1.0



Ballerina Swan Lake Tech Blog

Senior software engineer @ WSO2 👩‍💻 | Ballerina lang 🩵