Mastering Ballerina SQL Clients: Your Go-To Guide 🚀

Niveathika Rajendran
Ballerina Swan Lake Tech Blog
2 min readDec 1, 2023

This article was written using Ballerina Swan Lake Update 8 (2201.8.0).

Hey there, coding maestros! Let’s dive into the secrets of making the most out of your Ballerina SQL clients — whether it’s the classic `mysql:Client`, the sassy `mssql:Client`, the trusty `postgresql:Client`, the mighty `oracledb:Client`, or the evergreen `jdbc:Client`. Here’s the lowdown on leveling up your SQL game with these savvy recommendations. 🎩💻

1. Stick with One `sql:Client` Throughout

Employing a single SQL client throughout the application execution is pivotal for efficient connection management. The ballerina/sql module utilizes connection pooling, optimizing the opening and closing of database connections. This practice minimizes the time spent on these operations and conserves network resources. 🕺🏽

2. Don’t Ghost the Stream

Ensure thorough consumption of fetch data or promptly close the stream following processing from the query method. The connection to the database persists within the stream until fully iterated or in the event of an iteration error. Timely closure of the database connection after query execution prevents resource loss over time, maintaining a consistent connection pool.

3. Close Those sql:ProcedureCallResult

Unlike streams, the sql module can’t read minds. If you’re processing with `sql:ProcedureCallResult`, remember to send out the “party’s over” memo by calling ProcedureCallResult.close().

4. Utilize sql:ParameterizedQuery for Dynamic Queries

Use sql:ParameterizedQuery to dodge those pesky SQL injection moves. For an in-depth guide, check out Guarding Against SQL Injection in Ballerina Applications.

5. Configure the Connection Pool of the Client

Last but not least, let’s talk about connection pool management. Configure the connection pool settings and tailor them to your app’s personality. Detailed insights into pool sizing configurations can be found in About Pool Sizing.

So, there you have it — your backstage pass to rocking Ballerina SQL clients like a coding rockstar. Happy coding! 🚀✨

