An Interview with BallerTV’s Newest Full-time Strike Force Members

BallerTV Crew
BallerTV Crew
Published in
9 min readMar 31, 2022

BallerTV is the leader in youth sports broadcasting. As we continue to expand, having a strong Operations team becomes even more important to our success, and that’s where Strike Force comes in!

What is Strike Force?

Strike Force’s mission is to deliver top quality production execution at BallerTV’s high-profile live streamed events. Execution involves successfully filming all games with BallerTV’s i1 automated capture technology with a high degree of quality and consistency. Members of this elite team will consistently be out on the road at events in different cities across the country. Look for them at your next event!

Strike Force is taking the LEAP forward by effectively managing and positively influencing others to perform to the best of their ability.

Strike Force’s first major goal is to build strong Site Lead teams across the nation, standardized on-site training, and execution.

BallerTV is proud to introduce the Strike Force Team, led by BTV veteran Phillip Vargas. These individuals have been outstanding members at BallerTV for several years, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to have them join us.

We sat down with each one of them to talk about their story.

Devon Clark

BallerTV Site Lead: 5 years

Origin: Delaware

Education: Degree in Finance, University of Harvard Connecticut

Sports: College football and basketball

Background: Financial Advisor at Capital One 360, managed and trained over 100 employees, and implemented the “Clark Strategies”

Favorite teams: Philadelphia 76ers, Eagles, and University of Michigan

What’s the most rewarding part of being a Site Lead?

As a student athlete in a small town, I never got exposure. It hits home when I see kids traveling to tournaments without their parents. My mother was a single mother and couldn’t make it to every game. Instead, she would have someone film and create highlights for me. So I have a deep understanding of what BTV provides.

I’m proud to represent a company that is making generational changes. I know what this exposure can do for youth athletes. We’re changing a lot of lives for kids and don’t think we notice it.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within our company?

Our co-founder, Rob Angarita. He taught me that I can do whatever I want if I put in the effort and surround myself with good people. I still see him and Phillip Vargas in the field. If these leaders put in this much effort, everyone can. They consistently put in 200% effort, and THAT is what it takes to run a startup. It’s a domino effect and as I meet more people within the company, I see that they follow Rob’s lead.

What advice do you have for Site Leads who are interested in moving up the ranks at BallerTV?

Master the operation. Have patience, it goes a long way especially with the work we do. Take pride in what you preach. You are the face of BTV, treat it like your own. If you feel lost, ask. The Site Lead Support Team has your back. Think outside the box by doing unconventional things, that will lead to results. Lastly, understand the vision and have a desire to be a part of something that’s rapidly growing.

Micheal Adedokun

BallerTV Site Lead: 4 years

Origin: DC Metro Area

Education: Business Management, University of the District of Columbia

Background: Food and Construction Management running his family’s businesses

Interest: Anything that involves cars/motorsports

Why BallerTV?

We are able to deliver a product that has a high growth potential that is embedded in what we offer and we are able to touch SO many people, all while being able to travel and see the country.

How did you stand out from other Site Leads to become recognized for your hard work?

I didn’t do anything special. I just always tried my best to deliver no matter the situation. I made sure whoever I worked with knew I was someone they could depend on.

I’ve worn many hats. From becoming one of the first RESPs in my region, to assisting the Logistics team in Indiana. Just by having the drive to want to do more, I have proved to the company I am reliable and am always up for the challenge.

What advice do you have for Site Leads?

The opportunity is there. Take it upon yourself to learn everything you can about what we do and the product we offer. There are a ton of details that you should pay attention to and they make the difference between executing a good event and a great event.

Jalee Long

BallerTV Site Lead: 3 years

Origin: Born and raised in Oklahoma City, OK while currently residing in Dallas, TX

Favorite Teams: University of Oklahoma

Sports: Played soccer and basketball growing up

Background: Mother of 3, has a certified armed security license, is an Ordained Minister, and owns a cleaning business! Talk about versatility.

What is your favorite thing about working at BallerTV?

I get the opportunity to road trip around the USA while making money! If I saw an event, I would apply for it, and travel to nearby states. It was so much fun.

Another thing I love is being able to connect with families when some could not attend in-person. Both my parents had cancer and were unable to watch me play. BTV could’ve provided them the opportunity to watch me and that’s why I’ve always loved it, because of the service it offers.

As a busy mom, I understand it’s not that loved ones don’t want to watch, they simply can’t. Youth athletes can play without having to tell their loved ones how it went or saying “you missed my game”. We are changing the game.

What is something you have learned while being on the Strike Force team?

There are a lot more moving pieces to this than I thought. During COVID, it helped seeing Baller Reps (internal employees) come out and see what we go through and experience the challenges the company MUST experience. From troubleshooting issues to event set ups, the event’s success is put on our shoulders and although we are given the tools to succeed, there were times we felt frustrated if things didn’t go as planned.

Nonetheless, I’m honored to be a part of this big machine and can’t wait to see what BTV is going to do next.

What advice do you have?

Keep up the good work and things will fall into place. BTV recognizes hard work. Before I joined Strike Force, I didn’t realize how many people acknowledged our hard work, let alone knew our names.

Strike Force’s motto is “Get it done”. We get hit with a bunch of circumstances. Problems, unforeseen issues, rain or shine, we still get it done.

Adam Prather

BallerTV Sit Lead: 5 years

Location: Salvisa, KY

Background: Construction and Management

Motivation: Father of 5 with a newborn and his lovely wife, Alexis

Hobbies: Outdoor sports, kayaking, hiking, football, basketball, camping, crafting, woodwork, leather, wood burning

How has your career grown professionally while on our team?

After only a few events, I knew I wanted to earn a permanent position here. I worked as hard as possible to make that happen. When the full-time opportunity came up, I could not say “yes” fast enough. This is the only company I have worked for where hard work truly pays off. I am learning so much about leadership and the organization and hope to continue to grow here many years to come.

I now have the opportunity to provide for my family, while getting to show that same leadership style Rob exhibits. For him to consistently work as a Site Lead, where status doesn’t matter, I really look up to him for creating this environment for BTV. It all starts from the top.

What do you find most challenging?

The most challenging part is keeping up with BallerTV’s rapid changes. From new software to products, a lot of it requires you to learn on the run. If you’re a fast learner and good problem-solver, you will succeed and overcome the fear of failing.

How did you stand out from other Site Leads to become recognized for your hard work at events?

I never tried to stand out. My philosophy is to always make sure I am the best I can be. I’m not focused on beating the next person, just beating myself. I became efficient in working tight shifts, early morning setups, and monitoring Teamwork to ensure I was producing quality streams. Additionally, I always make an effort to network with Event Directors and vendors, who put in a good word when asking for Site Lead reviews.

Michael Lampkin

BallerTV Sit Lead: 2 years

Origin: Atlanta, GA

Sports: Michael played basketball his whole life and grew up watching Allen Iverson and BallerTV’s global ambassador, Dwayne Wade. (Dwayne was the reason why Michael first applied!)

Background: Retail, sales, and Account Management, which led to an opportunity working at State Farm Arena, broadening his view in sport careers.

How has your career grown professionally while on our team?

Being a Strike Force member has helped me grow my confidence tremendously. There are times where I am faced with a challenge and in order to get things done, I have to “Just do it”.

I now have the confidence to know I am capable of what life throws at me, personally and professionally. I accept new challenges that come in and plan to level up from here. With Phil leading our team, I am inspired to go the extra mile.

What advice do you have for Site Leads?

Preparation is KEY! The more you get done early, the easier your event will be. As much as I love talking to the weekend team, my goal is to never be reached out by them with issues. If they do, I’m typically in the midst of fixing things.

Be proactive rather than reactive. Don’t wait for someone to tell you something is wrong. If possible, attempt to fix issues before it’s noticed.

Jose Barrientos

BallerTV Site Lead: 3 years

Origin: Born in Venezuela, moved to Cambodia at 11, and then Orlando, FL at 17

Education: University of FIU and Shaw University in North Carolina

Sports: College Soccer

Background: Retail

Motivation: Jose is a father of a 15-month old, named Kai. Kai became the core motivation for him to succeed.

Who are some of your biggest inspirations within our company?

I’ve always been inspired by Jessica Rocha. I’ve seen how much she has grown within the company and I’m impressed by her capabilities and expertise.

Phillip Vargas is another inspiration. He is so wise, always comes through when I need him, and always makes sure I am set up for success. I look up to him because of his expertise and willingness to mentor me. He always reminds me “it’s the little details that make a difference.” Numbers are important. Stream count. Money we bring in and out. With the knowledge he provides me, it’s been enlightening to see it from this perspective and how much really goes into it.

What is a major goal you have as a Strike Force member?

I want to share the same feeling I have for BTV by touching the hearts and minds of other Site Leads by making them feel a part of the company. Some people see this as a quick gig. Whether a Site Lead has worked 1 event or 20, I want to change their mentality by cultivating more team culture.

We have 15 main Site Leads in Orlando, FL and have bonded through BTV. We have competitions to see who could set up the most I-Frames and tripods. It works well and we strive on working as a team. The care we as Strike Force members put in, will make a difference in the company.

With hard work, dependability and expertise, our Strike Force members have crushed it and have climbed mountains at this point to earn their stripes. If they can do it, so can you!

