Do Something Meaningful — Our Story

Lenox Ramsey Jr
Ballot America
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

In November 2015, my friend and I determined that we weren’t being fulfilled in our current roles at another campaign consulting firm. We were working long hours and most of the firms’ clients didn’t fit meet our core values. After long conversations, we decided to leave to do something meaningful — launch our own firm, Rivero Ramsey, Inc.

We quickly learned to do something meaningful required patience and persistence as starting your own business can be much harder than most entrepreneurs would like to admit. By the third month, my good friend concluded that the journey wasn’t as fulfilling as they’d hope and opted to explore other options.

This left me in a place I’m quite familiar with — alone to fight the good fight.

For the rest of 2016 and 2017, we battled more notable firms to gain various political campaign and organization clients, such as the Stop Trump PAC (now Democratic Coalition Against Trump), Ammar Campa-Najjar for Congress, Heath Phillips for Congress, Nekima Levy-Pounds for Minneapolis Mayor and the list goes on.

All in all, we’ve raised just shy of $8,000,000 and garnered over 388,000 votes for our clients.

By years’ end (2017), I determined that it was time to rebrand as my former partner had long moved on and the company name, Rivero Ramsey, Inc, fielded more questions about who Rivero was than the work we were doing.

Enter 2018 — I tested among several groups of politicos several company names that I thought best represented the work being done and came to the conclusion that Ballot America was the name going forward. I filed our C-Corp paperwork and began the tedious process of rebranding all of our properties and assets to ensure brand continuity. After 15 months, I’m proud to say the process is 90% complete. The remaining 10% involves the launch of our new website ( which we’re doing in 10 days, the launch of the Ballot America Partners initiative to train and develop the campaign consultants of the future (Spring 2019) and the completion of Outraise — our fundraising platform to automate campaign fundraising that’s been three years in the making.

What is Ballot America, you ask?

We are a political campaign services company that provides campaign consulting and technology services to candidates and organizations. We’ve worked with 30 clients, raising nearly $8 million dollars and garnering over 388,000 votes for our clients.



Lenox Ramsey Jr
Ballot America

Democratic Strategist | Fundraising | $7.84 million raised for campaigns & orgs