Email Marketing Secret

Dave Balter
Published in
1 min readJul 5, 2016

Subject: You’re on My Email Drip.

Hi {{first name}},

You don’t know me, but I’ve just gotten your name and email address (don’t ask me how). And now, you are on my 8-email drip.

What’s that mean? It means you are going to get a series of emails from me over the next few weeks. Probably two months all told. In those, I’ll be trying all sorts of tactics to get you to pay attention to my company.

  • I’ll drop you an e-book (hey we’re value add!)
  • I’ll point you to a blog post (which I’ll be flogging all over Linked In and other social outlets)
  • I’ll use catchy subject lines to make you open the note (and I’ll be tracking which ones you opened).

If the ratios are right, you’ll either tell me to stop (30% do that), or tell me you want to talk (30% do that!) or not respond at all (40%).

If you want to tell me to stop now, it’ll make things a whole lot easier. Or maybe you’d be happy to talk?

Not sure what I do really matters to your {company}. Anyway, enjoy your day,


People, if you got this far, please hit the ❤ below. It’s karmically sound.

