How BaltiCrypto is disrupting green energy and mining industry?

BaltiCrypto blog
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2018

Every technological revolution that has stood the test of time has passed through two critical gates. The first is discovery; the idea is conceived of, or discovered by chance, and a new technological possibility is born. However for any discovery to be of consequence for humanity, it must pass through the second gate: application. Almost as great a leap forward as the uncovering of new tech, is its harnessing in the service of human advancement, and direct application to the improvement of the lives of real people.

Whilst blockchain technology has emerged rapidly as a basis for speculative currency trading, to date its full potential as a means of decentralised wealth creation, information transfer and trading is yet to be realised. Crypto mining continues to grow as a source of power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and this is hardly likely to slow down as uptake of cryptocurrencies increases at unprecedented rates.

What is needed is a second revolution, a new way of approaching the limitless potential of blockchain technology from a globally conscious, sustainable paradigm that refuses to prioritise profits over environmental and social concerns. A new enterprise, where crypto mining is powered by 100% renewables, and in turn powers an Ecoverse of financial growth, education, renewable energy research and focused, effective foundations addressing human and environmental needs worldwide.

BaltiCrypto represents just such a revolution. A totally self-supporting Ecoverse built around fully sustainable crypto mining, powered by 100% renewable energy created by our own wind and solar farm. Far from adding to the problem, BaltiCrypto will eliminate greenhouse emissions from mining operations, as well as directing mining rewards towards research and application of renewable energy technologies, and creating a haven for researchers and creatives in the form of the BaltiCrypto University. As rewards grow, so will our capacity to foster talent in the renewable energy and crypto mining environments, leading to increased rewards, thereby creating a positive loop where every improvement in one facet of the business feeds improvements in every other.

Cryptocurrencies hold the key to a decentralised economic future, where no longer will people have to rely on institutions for trustworthy money transfer. The result will be a new era of trust and accountability, overseen by the people themselves. Our commitment at BaltiCrypto is to take this personal control to its logical conclusion through increased transparency, community participation, and maximised returns.

By introducing our SMART Hybrid Reward Token, we have created the potential for contributors to receive real, ongoing rewards from crypto mining operations, in addition to the potential for value growth of tokens through trading on numerous recognised exchanges. Not only this, but token holders will have access to a world of practical, valuable information on crypto trading, wealth creation, personal development and projects facilitating positive change.

Right now there is a surge in everyday contributors keen to find their place in the crypto environment, but without the necessary information to make educated, reliable decisions. BaltiCrypto’s transparent, informative approach to both our ICO and the ongoing management of our operations, mean there is now an option for everybody. Whether you are a day trader with years of experience, or making your first venture in the world of cryptocurrency, we offer tailored, trustworthy solutions through our easy-to-use interface, reliable 24/7 customer support, and ongoing contributor updates and press releases, so you can rest assured that your contribution is in the best of hands.

Our experienced team of crypto mining, development and hardware experts, has created an environment with unprecedented potential for wealth creation, personal development and global change. If you have been considering making the move into cryptocurrency ownership, are looking for an environmentally conscious enterprise with which to contribute, or even if you are an experienced trader looking for new opportunities, BaltiCrypto has something to offer.

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BaltiCrypto blog

BaltiCrypto is a highly profitable, decentralized, SMART sustainable Ecoverse, powered by blockchain technology.