How One Estonian Company is Redefining The Potential of Blockchain

BaltiCrypto blog
Published in
3 min readMar 30, 2018

It seemed for years that cryptocurrency, specifically Bitcoin, existed on the fringes of common knowledge, if known then almost always associated with the Dark Web, drug trafficking, and basement dwellers.

Almost overnight it seems, more and more people have a basic understanding of blockchain technology, if not perhaps a working knowledge of the principles guiding it. To date though, most applications of the technology have related to coin and token exchange, both for payments as well as speculative trading.

All this is about to change.

Governments, medical institutions, financial institutions: all are actively developing strategies to exploit the security and decentralisation benefits of blockchain. As with most breakthrough technologies though, application is still very much in its infancy, and the true potential of the system appears yet to have been realised.

Enter BaltiCrypto.

This enterprising ICO from Estonia has set about redefining the way we view and interact with the blockchain. Recognising that the true beauty of blockchain is its ability to wrest control of financial markets and return it to the hands of those conducting business, they developed a plan to turn their already thriving crypto mining venture, into a true, decentralised system that could begin to effect real change.

They conceived the Ecoverse, utilising cryptocurrency mining as a launching point for a new era of sustainable, accountable commerce. Committing to 100% renewables for mining power was a bold step, but a necessary one given the phenomenal power consumption for which crypto mining is responsible.

But they thought bigger than that — what if some of the mining rewards not paid to token holders were invested in studying green energy technologies, improved mining hardware and software systems, to the overall improvement of our ability to manage our resources?

What if this system could support itself, with technological advancements fuelling increased mining rewards, and vice versa?

Thus was born the BaltiCrypto University, an online college where token holders can further their knowledge on blockchain, crypto investment, financial wisdom, even how to set up their own ICO’s.

Token holders would be able to use their tokens to access these services, and more than this, would be able to contribute their knowledge, time and energy to servicing the University, thereby accruing rewards for their efforts. This will be a true revolution in labour exchange. Bold plans are already in place for the eventual establishment of a physical university, funded by rewards from the renewable-powered mining farm.

They also recognised blockchain’s potential to revolutionise the way humanitarian aid is distributed and monitored. So was born the BaltiCrypto SMART Impact Foundation, where mining rewards are applied, and tracked through the blockchain, to vital causes selected by token holders. In time, this work will merge with that of the University, as new, varied courses are offered, and students are able to apply their learning to advancing these causes. In this way, each part of the Ecoverse supports the others.

It is the decentralising nature of blockchain that opens the door to these possibilities, but until that door is walked through, they remain just that. BaltiCrypto has devised a novel and efficient way to channel the financial and humanitarian potential of blockchain, and is poised to be the next big ICO this year. In BaltiCrypto’s SMART Hybrid Reward Token (BCT) there is now a coin that offers not just the potential for token value growth, or for an ongoing share in monthly mining rewards, but both of these, as well as an Ecoverse of crypto, financial, education and personal development resources.

To read BaltiCrypto’s Whitepaper and get ICO pre-sale information, head to the website at



BaltiCrypto blog

BaltiCrypto is a highly profitable, decentralized, SMART sustainable Ecoverse, powered by blockchain technology.