Standing Baltimore Rock

They hose them down with freezing water for standing in defiance in the — 
Streets of Baltimore

They shoot them down and wash the blood from the pavement on the — 
Plains of the Dakotas

They pollute the water of inner city schoolchildren — 
by running oilpipes under their traditional sacred lands

They pollute the water of Native schoolchildren — 
by leaving the lead in the pipes in the run down public schools

They bring in bulldozers and trucks and oil companies to —
Gentrify the blocks until residents can’t afford them

They buy up tracts of land and neighborhoods and then invite corporations to — 
Dig up burial sites and desecrate traditional land

They fly illegal subcontracted surveillance overhead — 
As buffalo thunder over grasses like they own the place

They bring in the National Guard and private armoured trucks — 
As kids on dirtbikes pop wheelies in defiance

The people rise up, they stand in solidarity as —News cameras flock to suck up the latest bits of destruction

The people rise up, they stand in solidarity as —News cameras flock to suck up the latest bits of destruction



Benjamin Young Savage (ᐱᓐᒋᐱᓐ)
Baltimore Uprising

Independent Abolitionist • Graphic/Artist • Rez Raised/Interracial Family/MK • 🧔🏻👧🏽👦🏽 • 🌸🐯 • 👨🏻‍💻 @Zerflin • 🇺🇸🇨🇦 • 🇮🇪🇵🇱