How to easily create engaging videos for YouTube

Jim Blake
Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

Within the first 10 seconds, people continue to watch the YouTube video, or they leave.

Your Google ranking will increase according to how many watch the whole video. The higher the ranking the greater the exposure.

Considering that more than half of YouTube users are 35–65+ years old — potential elder law and estate planning clients — creating engaging YouTube videos are important.


Entice in The Beginning

The most important part is the beginning of the video. You want to engage people so that they continue to watch the video. Entice the watcher by creating curiosity and a desire to continue watching.

How do you do that?

Simply tell them what to expect. For example, if your video is about the different elements of a Will, tell them this is what you are going to show or teach them. It creates expectation and the potential client who wants to know about wills continue to watch.

Unique Content in The Middle

Give a solution or an answer to the needs, questions, and problems your clients have. Provide this content in your unique way. In other words, what is it that you have to offer them that they won’t find elsewhere except in this video?

How-to videos that show the process step-by-step will engage the watcher throughout the video. Take the elements of a will as an example. The potential client needs to watch the whole video to know all the elements.

Each section moves the watcher to the next section of the video.

Call To Action at The End

All marketing tools, including YouTube videos, must always have a call-to-action (CTA) that prompts an action to convert leads to clients.

  • Ask watchers to share, like, and comment on your YouTube video. It increases ranking when Google sees people react this way to your video.
  • Begin the conversion process by inviting the watcher to social media or your website. Specify the action you want them to take there, for example, “Go to my website and download your free special report on estate planning tips.”

For help in creating engaging YouTube videos and a marketing plan for your firm, schedule a complementary 15-minute phone call with us to learn more.



Jim Blake
Editor for

I help Elder Law and Estate Planning attorneys book more consultations and get more paying clients. Marketer | Traveler | Motivator | Runner | Sales Pro