K. Thx. See ya around!

BanatIT Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

Writing this article was a painful process. We reached the end of a road.

Chapter 1 of HackTM was a rollercoaster ride: since the first idea of a major hackathon in 2014 filled with enthusiasm, a cold-2015 we will never forget, to the Cantina years of 2016 & 17, and the tech-fest that was HackTM 2018, we’ve been through heaven and hell.

HackTM was build to strengthen the local tech community: to foster the connection between its members on one hand, and to nourish quality and competition, on the other. It was intentionally open and diverse: we believe that the experience of HackTM is an investment in our future, be it because people strived to achieve something in 48 hours, or that 14yo kids found something to strive for.

In 5 years HackTM achieved more than we ever thought it would. Having 700 people under one roof, in completely safe conditions, having a decent budget, and seeing soooo many people wearing the t-shirts randomly on the streets of Europe is an AMAZING feeling.

There are so many thanks to give, and I’m going to repeat them:

  • Thank you HackTM participants. You keep pushing us to do better every year. You build better and better projects, you’re spreading the word all around the world about how //Life’s too short to hack alone. Thank you!
  • Thank you HackTM sponsors. We are aware that we’re pushing every possible limit. Thank you for deciding to support this event every year and for having faith in us!
  • Thank you Power Rangers & Banat IT. The greatest pride I take in this whole ride is the team we’ve built. For me it started with 4 people. Now we’re more people than can fit on a screen, and yet everything is so well synced. Thank you, Power Rangers!

I’ve heard a rumour about HackTM as you know it is taking a break.

The rumour is true. Let me explain why…

Over the years HackTM grew along with the community it was built for. During one of the last pre-event meetings we asked ourselves how much more we can achieve. What is our ultimate purpose?

Growing and Promoting the Local Tech Community

From a technical point of view, it’s quite clear that a weekend of coding brings nothing more than a functional prototype. It pushes coders and designers to the limits, you are forced to find quick solutions that work. Timisoara has proven it’s value in providing technical solutions that work. If we as a community are to survive globally, we have to push ourselves further: either provide the best quality for outsourcing and/or build products that are appreciated worldwide.

That’s what HackTM is going to focus on in the near future: promoting Banat as a region of world-class tech solutions and pushing the community forward.

So the next time you can re-live the HackTM experience isn’t going to be too far in the future. We have many plans ahead:

  • an eHealth hackathon this autumn: smaller, focused on providing products with the support of experienced partners.
  • HackTalks Conference — 15–16 October — our experimental conference is taking its first steps into the real world and will put global speakers face-to-face with local solution providers, to emphasise where we stand on the global market.
  • Not Another Hackathon — yes! The most unusless hacakthon, home to projects that solve inexisting problems, will be back!


  • HackTM goes national! Our first stop will be Sibiu in autumn 2018.

The possibility of taking the HackTM experience to other communities is very exciting. We’re looking forward to the challenge of taking a road trip with you and promote our spirit and skills in other places as well. Sibiu is our first stop, but it won’t stop there. And yes, it will eventually come back to Timisoara. Or, you know, Dumbravita :) Follow us on Facebook or right here on Medium to be the first to know.

Because //Life’s too short to hack alone.




BanatIT Stories

Life’s too short to hack alone! Join the biggest hackathon this side of the planet!