2018 Best Leader of the Year Finalist: Lance Williams

We are pleased to introduce you to one of our top finalists, Lance Williams. Congratulations, Director Lance!

BAND for groups
4 min readNov 30, 2018


BAND’s Best Leader of the Year Award is an esteemed honor for leaders with an extraordinary ability to band people together around a shared vision.

We are pleased to introduce you to one of our top finalists, Lance Williams. Congratulations, Director Lance!

Lance Williams is the Head Director of the South Oak Cliff High School Marching Band aka “Nu Soul of the South,” in Dallas, Texas. In his two years with the program, South Oak Cliff has received many accolades, taking home first place trophies at numerous competitions.

Lance believes that the best teacher is someone who can be a model to his or her students. Many of his students come from low socio-economic backgrounds, and may not have any positive influences at home to help guide them.

Lance made it a point to dress in suits and ties to show his students the importance of having the right attitude and dressing for success. He models a sense of self-pride and pride in the program for them to follow.

When he first came to South Oak Cliff, there was a lack of pride and respect for the marching band, and kids were embarrassed to be seen in it. Lance taught the students the importance of having pride and respect in themselves, and through the pride of the students on the team, the program was able to grow and thrive.

Lance teaches his students a simple mantra to help push them: “Two R, C, Double D” — this means Respect, Responsibility, Commitment, Dedication, and Discipline. Many of his students feel trapped by their situations at home, but Lance shows them how to step away from blaming their situation and stop feeling sorry for themselves.

“You control you. You cannot affect other things, you can only affect yourself…You control your own destiny. All the power that you need is already inside of you.” — Director Lance

Lance uses music to teach his students the value of being disciplined, dedicated, committed, responsible and respectful in their lives, and giving them a winning mindset.

“Not everybody can lead other people, but everybody has the capacity to lead themselves.” — Director Lance

The process to become a leader in the organization is very grueling, because leaders should serve others and gain respect by setting a positive example.

In 2012, Lance and some of his colleagues started a nonprofit All-Star Band for students in the community to continue practicing and learning during the summer season. The program provides something positive for the students during the summer to keep them out of trouble.

Lance and his colleagues bring in college-level mentors to help ease the students’ transition from high school into higher education and give them additional opportunities to audition and stay engaged.

Lance does everything in his power to see his students succeed and go on to college. He helps his students with their college applications and tries to give everyone the tools and support they need to earn a scholarship to continue on in school. Even after the students graduate high school, Lance continues to support them in the pursuit of their college dreams.

Many of his students don’t have anyone to support them through this journey. Due to their circumstances at home, two of Lance’s former students were unable to find anyone to help them move into the college dorms. Lance volunteered to drive them from Texas to Mississippi. When they arrived, he handled their FAFSA forms and took them shopping to make sure they had everything they needed for their dorm room.

After his students are set up in college, Lance makes sure to check up on them along their journey. The most rewarding part is hearing how his lessons continue to impact them, long after they leave.

“I consider myself to be an educator of life, not just a teacher of music.” — Director Lance

We are very pleased to honor Director Lance Williams as one of our top nine 2018 Best Leaders of the Year Finalists. His ability to inspire success is an inspiration to everyone here at BAND, and we hope that his story has inspired you!

Please be sure to check out all of the other amazing stories from our Finalists, and vote for who you think deserves to be named BAND’s 2018 Best Leader of the Year!

Click HERE to support the Best Leader of the Year

