Recommended Athlete Ava S, #BandHasYourBack!

BAND for groups
Published in
5 min readAug 31, 2018

Sports is about defying the odds, persevering in the face of great hardship, and pulling up those around you. At BAND, our mission is to provide groups with the tools they need to pull together as a team. But sometimes what a team needs most is a true champion to rally behind.

This season, BAND went on the look for exceptional young athletes who empower and inspire everyone around them. We asked coaches to tell us about an athlete that has inspired them and the rest of their teams to work harder and push forward in the face of challenges.

We were amazed by the incredible stories that coaches from all over the country sent in about their athletes. The amount of love and passion felt by the coaches who submitted was clear in every entry, and it has been very difficult to narrow down the list of deserving and qualified athletes.

Our very first Recommended Athlete Scholarship goes to Champion Force cheerleader Ava Shedd, from Tipton County, Tennessee.

Congratulations, Ava!

Based on her skill, sportsmanship, and perseverance, Ava has been awarded the ‘Recommended Athlete’ Scholarship by everyone here at BAND. We hope she continues to uplift her teammates and helps them to band together!

Ava’s Story

When Ava was born, she wasn’t expected to survive. Due to her lack of a large intestine, Ava was forced to use a colostomy bag up until a few years ago, and was forced to start schools a year late, which left her behind both physically and socially.

Due to this condition, 12-year-old Ava also looks more like an eight year old. But as the saying goes, sometimes big things come in small packages.

Ava Shedd cheers together with Champion Force Athletics, a cheer program out of Tipton County, Tennessee. As she had never cheered before, she was placed in the Level 3 group, for ages 10–18.

As soon as she started cheering, it was clear she was meant for it. Her ability and willingness to practice and perfect her techniques immediately caught the attention of her coaches and everyone on the team.

During her very first season, Ava joined two separate teams and learned two distinct competition routines at the same time. The next season, she was invited to tryout for Level 4, and conquered the tryouts.

“She just conquered, and that’s all she does, is conquer. Every single day.” — Coach Susan H.

Last season, her coach was able to move her up to a Level 5 routine, and Ava has been a highlight in their competitions. Despite her small size, Ava shows no fear of flying, and is always willing to try new things.

With health issues that make it difficult to absorb nutrition, maintaining her composure during cheer is a constant battle. But Ava’s passion and dedication in the face of her health issues helps to inspire everyone around her.

“When I need reminding of ‘I can do this’ or ‘Why am I doing this?’ I think of her, and she gets me going again.” — Coach Susan H.

Outside of cheer, Ava excels in academics and is a gifted artist. Currently, she’s in sixth grade, but doing work at the eighth grade level. Due to her condition, small size, and late start, she’s often been a target for school bullies. But through cheer, Ava was given a family of peers to support and care for her.

All of the girls on Champion Force rally behind Ava’s strength, and are very protective of her. When some of the high school seniors from the team had heard that Ava was being targeted by bullies after school, three of the senior girls decided to walk over to the middle school to make sure she was safe.

During practice and competitions, Ava is an inspiration to both coaches and peers alike. Even the judges are blown away by her willingness and ability to excel, and her presence uplifts the entire team.

This season, Ava may not be able to compete due to some issues at home. The first week of practice, there was one question that echoed across the gym: “where’s Ava?”

At BAND, we believe that Ava should follow her passion for cheer, and hope that her great example will continue to uplift her teammates and all of those around her.

We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve selected Ava as the first recipient of our “Coaches Recommendation” scholarship. We hope that this scholarship will inspire Ava and the rest of her teammates to pursue their passion and continue to band together!

A great coach inspires their athletes, but great athletes inspire their coaches.

Coaches, do you have an athlete that inspires you and your team? There are still a few weeks left in the Coaches Recommendation Contest for you to submit their story for the chance to win a ‘Recommended Athlete’ Scholarship from BAND.

Event Period: August 7th — September 30th

