Bandzaï play guide

Start playing step by step

5 min readApr 7, 2023


Hello Bandzaï community,

As promised, here is a step by step guide on how to start playing the Bandzaï game. And since Zaï are generous creatures, they condensed it in a video for you:

Step 1. — Connect to the game

Skip if you already have Metamask on Polygon

Bandzaï is a non custodial game, meaning you’ll need your own web 3 address. The only wallet supported at the moment is Metamask.

If you don’t have a metamask extension installed, please go to and download the extension for the browser you will play Bandzaï on. Follow the Metamask installation process to create your own address.

When you create a new address, it is set up on the Ethereum network. Bandzaï is hosted on the Polygon network. You can easily switch from one to the other with this link: Click Connect Wallet and follow the Metamask process.

You’re now almost ready to play the game, all you need is to send some $MATIC to your new address to pay for the network fees, and some $BZAI to buy your first Zaï, unless you already have one (bought on the market or won in a giveaway.

You can now hop on the Bandzaï alpha here.

Step 2 — Get your first Zaï

Once on the game, feel free to explore the different menus and areas to familiarize yourself with the interface.

To start playing, you’ll need a Zaï card. There are multiple ways to get Zaïs:

  • Participate in the regular dutch auction
  • Buy an egg in the nurseries
  • Get / win a ticket during promotions.
  • Play every day for 5 weeks in a row and win a random egg
  • Buy a ZAI on the in-game marketplace or secondary market (e.g. Opensea)
  • Get one temporarily by borrowing it (scholarship — see below)

We’ll go through the first option as the ones are pretty much self-explanatory. Please note that the Dutch auction is not necessarily the best / cheapest option to buy a Zaï, and you should have a look at the nurseries market and NFT marketplaces as well.

There are 4 types of eggs you can buy, based on rarity. Rarity has no role in-game, but will impact the Zaï NFT market worth.

You’ll need to approve each type of transactions you make on Bandzaï once.

Pick an egg, approve transaction and buy it. Congratulations, you now own your own Zaï !

You’ll find it in the Cards / my Zaïs menu.

Here are a few information about your Zaï to help you start playing with it:


If you don’t want to buy a Zaï, you can always borrow one and become a scholar.

Go to Deck / scholars, pick a Zaï you like and hit the Get this Zai button. Be aware that the % of the Zaï gains attributed to the scholar is defined by the Zaï owner. It is indicated on the Zaï card, so choose wisely.

Step 3 — Make your first Fight

Now that you have a Zaï, there are many things you can do with it on BandZaï, but mainly your goal will be to make it fight so that it wins experience and levels, fighting points, and gains fighting $BZAI rewards for you and his own piggybank.

To start your first fight, click on your Zaï then click Play. You’ll be sent to the Fight preparation interface.

The fight preparation area is split in three.

The first section allows you to use potions. Essentially, potions will let you multiply the Experience your Zaï will make off of a fight, or grant him more element fight points. You can buy potions in the potion marketplace in-game or on NFT marketplaces.

The second sections shows the amount of points your Zaï has for each element. Every Zaï starts with 3 element points, and earns more every time it levels up.

The last section is you battle plan. Your Zaï will have 9 rounds against its opponent, and you get to assign its elements points towards these 9 rounds. The strategy is up to you, you can either go all-in on a restricted amount of rounds to make sure you win these, or choose to allow a few points to every round to try and maximize the amount of rounds won.

Once you’ve assigned your points, click Fight Now!

For each round, your Zaï will play the element points you assigned. The winner is either the opponent with the dominant element, or that with the most points if both played the same element.

For each won round, the Zaï stacks the corresponding amount of points and the final winner is the opponent with the most points.

The winner wins experience, $BZAI rewards for its owner (you !) and its own piggybank.

The rarer your Zaï is, the more fights per day will earn you $BZAI. Bronze Zaïs will earn rewards on their first 3 fights each day. (see our table for rarer Zaïs here)

Step 4 — Advanced gameplay

You are now a fierce and proud Zaï master. Your Zaï is ready to fight, fight and well, fight. Make it more powerful, choose its element points wisely, and it will make you rewards and gain in market value.

There are however a lot more things you can do on Bandzaï, like owning centers, getting your zaï hired to work in laboratories and training centers, making them create new potions through alchemy, delegate them, etc.

You are welcome to have a look at this article to learn more about the game in depth.

Additionally, our moderators are available on Telegram and Discord to answer any subject or questions.

