Submit to the Bangtan Journal

Submission Guidelines

Bangtan Journal
Bangtan Journal
2 min readNov 4, 2018


By submitting a work to Bangtan Journal, you understand and agree to all of the following conditions:

IF, you’re not a writer for Bangtan Journal yet:

  • Submit your story, idea or desire to volunteer.
  • We accept drafts and previously published articles. This includes articles from other websites — we are very supportive of the ARMY community and their individual efforts. We’d like to drive traffic to your site if possible.
  • We accept submissions in all languages — though will not publish anything that we do not have the capability to verify for quality or accuracy. (Basically, if we do not have an editor or third party that speaks the same language)
  • Submissions may be edited for spelling, grammar and format. We will never materially adjust your content. If we have comments we will send you a private note.
  • All submissions must include a featured image with proper attribution.

Once you are accepted as a writer:

Submissions must be made through Medium — Go to the bottom of your story and click on the 3 dots to submit your story like this.

  • We reserve the right to add imagery, ads or information to the end of your submission. (Though we don’t have any plans for ads now)
  • Once a story has been published in the Bangtan Journal, we expect it to remain there. If you want to remove the piece, just ask first. It’s your work.

FYI, the general rules of Medium Publications

  • You will be credited as the author of the post and retain all rights to your content.
  • You will be listed as a writer for that publication.
  • Your post will use the publication’s URL, but will still be available on your profile.
  • Your post will be distributed in the feeds and digests of your followers, plus the followers of the publication.
  • You and your editors will be able to edit, save changes, and view notes on your post. You will not receive notification of published changes.
  • Your original pre-publication URL will still point to your post.
  • You can remove your post at any time.

