10 steps to prepare your next travel plan

Bank al Etihad
Bank al Etihad
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2022

Summer has arrived, and it’s time to travel! Most of you are probably counting the days until your summer vacation, which we know requires a lot of planning, but there’s no need to panic! Here is a list of what you need to do to enjoy your next trip.

Set a budget

Yes, travelling is expensive, but you don’t have to win the lottery or come from a wealthy family to be able to travel. Before you plan your trip, set a budget to know how much you can afford to spend while keeping in mind that different destinations will cost differently. And as the saying goes, “act your wage”. So, don’t buy what you can’t afford. Of course, this doesn’t extend to when you want to buy gifts for your family and friends. Set aside some money for them unless you plan to tell them you lost their presents on the way back!

Decide where you’re heading

If you were conflicted about this, ask yourself: do I want to explore and go on an adventure, or do I want to relax and unwind? Your answer will help you decide what your destination should be. And if, for example, you prefer playing around with elephants and monkeys, know you won’t find them in Paris, but you will in Malaysia. And if you’re a fan of pasta and pizzas, it’s best to try them from the source, not India!

Apply for a visa

After deciding where you’re heading, check whether the country you want to visit requires a visa. If a visa is required, make sure to apply well in advance so that it’s issued in time for take-off, as this may take several weeks.

Renew your passport

It’s time to dust off your passport and check when it expires because some countries may deny you entry if it’s about to expire in 30 days to 6 months. But if your passport is valid for another 6 months or longer, you won’t need to renew it.

Book your flight ticket and accommodation

This is our favourite part too! But don’t let your excitement cost you a lot of money, and don’t book the first option that pops up on the web. Browse multiple websites to find the best prices. And on this note, we have a surprise for you. You can now use any Bank al Etihad credit card to book your flight ticket and hotel stay while paying in instalments at 0% interest for up to 24 months. Click here to learn more.

Buy the travel essentials

Once you buy your flight ticket, the countdown to take-off begins! So, you have to buy travel essentials like luggage, earphones, and a neck pillow. You may also need a pair of comfy shoes if you’re planning to walk long distances or a camera if you want to take some professional-looking photos.

Do your research

Lucky for you, you can find everything you want to know about your destination on the internet. So, why not look for activities to do and events and places to visit? Or read up on the country’s history? This would be especially valuable if you want to visit archaeological sites or museums.

Get travel insurance

While many may say: “I’m healthy and don’t need travel insurance”, it’s important to know that travel insurance doesn’t just cover medical expenses. It also covers luggage loss or theft and flight cancellation fees, among other things. And since accidents can happen anywhere, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Before we move on to the next step, did you know you can get travel insurance on our mobile banking app? Download our app and get travel insurance through a few simple steps you’ll find here. Once you confirm your purchase, you will receive your travel insurance certificate in your email, so there’s no need to leave the house or even your couch!

Save up to have enough pocket money

Even if you’re using your Bank al Etihad credit card to pay for your flight ticket and hotel stay in instalments, you’ll still need to take money with you for activities, food, and shopping. So, try to limit your spending to save up for your trip. For example, make a cup of coffee at home instead of paying for one from a coffee shop. To encourage yourself to save more, you can also open a savings account with us.

Don’t pack at the last minute

We know that packing is not the most fun thing to do when travelling, which is why many leave it until the last minute. But packing early will help you stay on top of things and not forget anything. And we feel we have to remind you here not to overpack because you can rest assured knowing you won’t need to take 20 shirts, 10 dresses, and 9 pairs of shoes with you on your 6-day trip to the Maldives!

Now that we’ve planned out your next trip, all you have to do is get started with these steps! And don’t forget, take lots and lots of pictures once you land!

