4 surefire ways to keep your financial health afloat

Bank al Etihad
Bank al Etihad
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2021

Financial stability has always been a bit of a hassle to most. It’s not easy to figure out what to do with your paycheck and how much money to save or spend.

So, if you’re struggling to figure out the best way to manage your money, don’t sweat it! We present you with 4 simple ways that’ll guarantee your financial health.

Spend less than you earn

It’s a universally acknowledged rule that you should spend fewer zeros than the ones scribbled on your paycheck. However, the question remains: how much are we talking? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this; it all depends on your financial goals and your income. Albeit the good news is, you don’t need to cut down your spending by half to keep your financial health in check.

Challenge yourself with a new habit, starting small is the best way to do it. Keep a small percentage of your salary on the side, and forget that it exists; don’t treat it as your money anymore. Then, use the remaining percentage as your new monthly allowance.

Set saving goals

Here’s a secret you ought to know: it’s never too early to begin saving! Whether you’ve just started out in your career or have earned a couple of paychecks, anytime is the right time to begin saving money. There are loads of perks associated with this. For once, the money you put aside can help you pay off your debts faster, be your saving grace in times of need, or be your first investment towards the future.

Make sure to save money as soon as you receive your paycheck. You don’t have to take out a large chunk, even a small amount would do. Gradually, you’ll find that your savings are beginning to increase until they reach a reasonable amount. However, keep in mind that the earlier you do it, the better.

Create a personal budget

Maybe you’ve heard the term budget so much you’re already rolling your eyes. The reality is that budgeting is paramount to finance; you can’t expect to be financially in control without it. And while you may feel apprehensive at the thought of whipping out your calculator and going through a rollercoaster of mathematical equations, budgeting is not that hard. It’s simple when done correctly.

You can even do it in two simple steps:

  • Figure out your monthly expenses
  • Subtract them from your income

And voila! Whatever is left goes into your monthly savings. You can study your budget further to figure out how to cut down on your expenses.

Pay off your debts and loans

Carrying financial baggage is the last thing you need when trying to be financially healthy and stable. If you have high-interest debts that are weighing you down, then you need to address them first.

Here’s what you need to do:

  • Map out and create a plan to address debts and loans
  • Treat your high-interest debts as a top priority and pay them off first
  • Make your payments on time

Keeping your financial health in check is not as complicated as it seems. With careful planning and the right approach, you’ll be able to control your finances and eliminate the hassle along the way!

