7 clever ways to save money

Bank al Etihad
Bank al Etihad
Published in
4 min readMay 31, 2023

Saving money is something that everyone wants to do, but it can be a challenge to find ways to cut back on expenses. Many people feel like they’ve tried everything and that there are no new ways to save money. But there are many unconventional ways that you probably haven’t considered.

This article is about to change that because we will explore some surprising ways to help you start saving today!

  1. Evaluate your expenses

We’ll admit that this isn’t the most clever way to save money. But it is one of the first things you should start by doing. Review your monthly bills and see where you can cut costs. For example, are you using up all your 4G, or can you downgrade your mobile subscription? Can you swap out store-bought coffee for homemade coffee? These small changes can add up over time.

Another way to evaluate your expenses is to track your spending. You can do this using a spreadsheet to keep track of your daily expenses. This will give you a better idea of where each dinar is going.

2. Plan your meals in advance

Groceries can take a major financial toll on many households. But there are several ways to save money on groceries without sacrificing quality or nutrition. One of the best ways to save money on groceries is to plan your meals in advance and make a shopping list. This can help you avoid impulse purchases and ensure you only buy what you need.

3. Unplug your appliances

Did you know that many electronics and appliances continue to use electricity even when they’re turned off? These so-called “energy vampires” can significantly increase your electricity bills. To avoid this, make sure to unplug electronics and appliances when you’re not using them.

Another way to save energy (and money) is to switch to LED light bulbs. LED bulbs use significantly less energy than traditional bulbs.

4. Ditch the gym membership

We’re by no means saying you should neglect your health! But here’s the thing. Gym memberships are expensive, with some costing hundreds of dinars per year.

There are many ways to stay fit without a gym membership. One option is to exercise on your own by walking or running. You can also do bodyweight exercises at home, such as sit-ups and squats.

Another option is to look for low-cost fitness classes, such as yoga or Pilates. You can also look for online workouts that you can do from home.

5. Don’t be afraid to DIY

DIY (do-it-yourself) projects can be a great way to save money and pick up new skills. For example, you can refurbish old furniture or build your own instead of buying new items.

Another tip is to grow your own food. Even if you don’t have a lot of space, you can grow herbs or vegetables in containers on a balcony or patio. This can save you money on groceries and provide you with fresh, healthy food.

6. Shop during sales and use discounts

Shopping during sales can save you a lot of money in the long run. Look for sales on items you need and stock up when prices are low. You can also enjoy discounts from our vast network of partners on a wide range of products, including food and clothing, when using any Bank al Etihad card.

You can find our list of partners here.

7. Set up a standing order

Setting up a standing order to automatically transfer money from your current account to your savings account is one of the best things you can do to improve your financial well-being. This way, you can easily set money aside every month without thinking twice about it.

Not sure what a standing order is? It’s an arrangement you can make through our mobile banking app, which enables regular and automatic transfers of a specific amount from one account to another based on your preferred schedule.

And speaking of savings accounts, we hope you already have one. If you don’t, now is the time to take action! Not only will you be on your way to achieving your financial goals, but you’ll also have the chance to become one of our daily, weekly, or grand prize winners.

Imagine waking up as a daily winner, discovering you’ve won a gold ounce! Or a weekly winner who has won a 9,999 JOD cash prize! But hold on because June brings another surprise: 8 Mercedes-EQ cars for 8 winners.

And the surprises keep coming! In September, 9 individuals will receive the keys to their beach apartments in Ayla, Aqaba. Last, we have the grand finale at the end of the year, where 10 winners will each receive a 100,000 JOD cash prize.

To enter the prize draws, make sure to maintain these minimum balances in your savings account:

  • Daily and weekly prizes: 200 JOD
  • June prize: 500 JOD
  • September and grand prizes: 1,000 JOD

Don’t miss out on this opportunity! Open a Tharaa savings account today!

