What’s Mobile Money Remittance System (MMRS)?

Malcolm Bloom
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2017

This is basically the first convergence of cryptocurrencies with mobile network operator’s accounts and it’s based on blockchain. To my mind, the basis of any good project is the openness and accessibility of information. That is why I strongly advised to implement blockchain technology into the processing system of mobile money transfers – the industry crucially needs solutions that won’t allow any fraud. Bank4YOU Group will provide the complete scope when using big data and the collection of funds.

From my perspective, it is not about a particular feature, rather than the whole convenience of the service. The Bank4YOU Group’s own, unique card solutions come packed with a range of easy-to-use mobile banking services. The average user doesn’t need nor wants to look under the hood and see how the whole technology works. That’s why Mobile Bank4You Group’s app, created by a team of fin-tech specialists needed an update, that’s how the idea of Mobile Money Remittance System was brought up. I really believe that blockchain will shape the future of mobile money transfers. Why not allow customers to cash in using crypto currencies and make global payments with the lowest fees? No one has done this before, yet.

The idea of crowdfunding and ICOs for our generation has really been embraced by many users. CNBC cites that in the first half of 2017, startups have raised an enormous sum of $1.27 billion through ICOs, surpassing the amount invested in fin-tech startups with venture capital. ICO is a mechanism to raise funds for a crypto currency venture. It is also a model of crowd funding 3.0, which helps participants to finance the development of the company in order to benefit from such investments in future.

The ICO contributions will be spent on further development of the project. Bank4YOU Group plans to spend crowdfunded means on elaboration of its system of mobile money, development of new software, incorporation of micro-crediting system, and new financial services based on Blockchain.

The goal of this ICO is to scale its business to the global level and enter the market and be able to find its target audience. The team has a clear vision of the future of its product. By the way, ICO campaign has already reached Soft Cap and collected $2,784,873 in the Round 1. This means people trust in it!

I think Mobile Money Remittance System has a strong potential to generate sound returns for investors and already has lots of interest from the Investment Banking community and institutional investors.

This is mainly due to the trustworthiness, the capacity, through partnerships to have a standards development process including the capacity to liaise with other industry groups. This will ensure that Bank4YOU Group are always aligned with current Banking regulatory standards as provided by FCA license. The company transfers investment transparency, security and decentralization to the next level due to the implementation of an innovative solution, which is basically a blockchain system accessible to external audit.

