BANKEX Monthly Update: September 2018

BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol
5 min readOct 12, 2018

October 2018 has begun, so it’s time to look back on everything BANKEX achieved in September. In the first month of autumn, we presented the first use case of BANKEX Plasma, made the BKX token available in Freewallet, updated BANKEX Pay, and, last but not least, we launched BANKEX Custody Service.

New Tech and Services

BANKEX Custody Service

This September, our team launched BANKEX Custody Service, a world-class decentralized cryptocurrency depository for enterprise and individuals. BANKEX Custody utilizes enterprise-level cloud solutions that ensure asset security superior to that of any banking organization. BANKEX Custody Service has no minimum deposit, so anyone can use it to store BTC, ETH, LTC, and BCH. BANKEX Custody is also fair and transparent for its users; it has free deposits, withdrawals, and transactions with no hidden fees. The only commission for storage is a monthly fee that doesn’t exceed 0.2% of total stored volume.

Click here for a BANKEX Custody Service free trial.

Or here:

Or read more about BANKEX Custody Service:

An Update to BANKEX Pay

BANKEX Pay is a powerful and easy-to-use Ethereum wallet that’s been customized for iOS devices. It’s a robust solution that enables you to make transactions, estimate gas costs, and generate receipts. However, anything that has been made can be made better, so we updated the design, simplified the navigation, added new home screen, introduced customization options, and localized the app for Chinese users

The First Use Case of BANKEX Plasma

To show how BANKEX Plasma works in real life, our team implemented it in the BANKEX coffee vending machine. In the video below you can see how BANKEX Plasma works:

New Online Wallet for BKX Token

BKX Token is Available in Freewallet

BKX, the Ethereum-based ERC-20 utility token, is now available in Freewallet. Freewallet is a secure digital currency wallet with a built-in exchange for web, iOS, and Android devices. It’s the third most popular online wallet for Android with 3 million users, according to newsbtc. The Freewallet family includes 11 apps for iOS and 27 apps for Android.

In 2017, Freewallet users saved up to $500,000 thanks to free transfers between Freewallet users. Moreover, Freewallet offers high-level security, with cold storage, multi-signature confirmation for each transaction, daily and weekly limits that help minimize the risk of theft, 2FA, as well as PIN and fingerprint support.


This September we highlighted one of the most important problems of cryptocurrencies, the volatility of the crypto market.

New Partnerships

Our team has partnered with Codex Protocol, a decentralized registry for unique assets, to establish an end-to-end solution to securitize valuable collectibles. This partnership will be an exciting opportunity to provide more liquidity to collectors and more investment opportunities for capital providers. This, in turn, will lead to further securitization while preserving the privacy of both parties, something financial markets and individuals increasingly demand.

The Kickoff of the MovieCoin Presale

The presale of MovieCoin, the fintech platform for the entertainment industry powered by BANKEX, started on September 12th. For more info, click here.


New Events

In September the BANKEX Team visited the Global Innovation Institute GI2 and made presentations in two sections: Interactive Workshop: Partnering with Fintech, and Investment Bank Case Studies.

What to Expect in October

We’re still working non-stop to merge real-life assets with blockchain technology, so you can look forward to significant events in the upcoming month..

In October the BANKEX Foundation team will take part in ETH San Francisco, the world’s largest Ethereum hackathon.

The middle of autumn will be very eventful, as we are launching a number of major blockchain products and technologies.

Stay tuned!

We love to interact with our blockchain community, so feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We are always glad to meet new people interested in fintech and explain how this crypto stuff works and make new friends.

In the BANKEX Monthly Update, we publish news and notes about the hardworking BANKEX team, its professional activities, and achievements. We also announce plans for initiatives and milestones towards realizing ongoing projects and goals, and we share information about BANKEX’s participation in events in fintech, blockchain, and other spheres.



BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol

Open source PROOF-OF-ASSET protocol to facilitate #digitisation, #tokenisation & exchange of traditional assets. All things #cryptocurrency #fintech #blockchain