Join the Blockchain in 2018? Better late than never!

Mike Melanin
BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol
3 min readJan 23, 2018

I am very glad to finally be able to join the blockchain community, as a Junior Partner BANKEX.

There is one thing I would like to underline.

I didn’t come to this market for the hype of crypto-currencies. I am here to implement the technology of asset tokenization using BANKEX’s Proof-of Asset Protocol. Find out more details about tokenization here.
We are looking for projects in the US and the global market. If you think you have something that may be interesting for us, please contact me at or on facebook.

Why did I decide to be involved in this field?

Money, as a means of accumulation wealth has a lost profit — an alternative advantage that can be gained by investing in assets. There are also several drawback for assets. The liquidity of assets is not always high, moreover, only a small group of professional players have access to them.
I believe the solution to this dilemma is tokenization. I am willing to devote myself to working in this area and hopefully bring positive changes to the economy.

I know I have a lot to catch up about fintech and blockchain.

As far as I understand, money is highly demanded because it is used to make exchanges and accumulate wealth. So far, the demand for crypto-currencies mostly comes from speculation — neither are they convenient enough as a means of exchange (the transaction costs are too high) , nor are they reliable enough for accumulating wealth. However, we have witnessed “Dollarization” before. It is a situation when the US dollar replaces a local currency which is no longer considered stable and trustful by regulators. On the other hand, we see a great demand from Asia where there is no sign of instability in recent times.

My first contribution

I would like to start my contribution to the community with compiling a list of interesting events about blockchain. Here is the list of events we are currently planning to participate, welcome to leave comments and let us know about your ideas. We will follow it up.

Looking for a talents

You have probably heard about crypto-designers 😅, we are looking for a decentralized event manager, who will supervises all events (not only blockchain related) and ensure the participation of BANKEX partners. If you are or you know an ideal candidate for this position, please contact

In the near future I will join Vitaly Dubinin and Constantine Kurbatoff to expand Bankex globally. It’s a great pleasure for me to meet with people in the blockchain community. I am planning to write an article about the top influencers in blockchain and crypto. Let me know what you think about the article by leaving your comments below.

Don’t hesitate to reach me at: FacebookTwitterEmail



Mike Melanin
BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol

Young Entrepreneur of the Year 2017 by E&Y Russia • Founder & CEO • Founder ​​​ • 500 alumni • Robotics at ​Bauman University​ •