The Library of Blockchain

BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol
5 min readMay 17, 2018

We publish a ton of articles in our blog about the existing structure and new developments in the world of blockchain. In the interest of convenience, we have compiled them in the new section called The Library of Blockchain.


The majority of people are not familiar with terms like tokenization. This series of educational articles explains the essentials of tokenization and describes how tokenization will affect the traditional economy.

Tokenization Explained: Part 1

Tokenization Explained: Part 2

Tokenization Explained: Part 3

Tokenization As a Solution To The Problem of Private Shares Trading

An article that describes how tokenization solves the main problems of private shares trading.

Smart Asset Tokenization for Beginners

What is a smart asset and how can it be tokenized? This essay gives the reader a detailed description of smart assets and the ways they can be tokenized.

Cash Flow Standardization

Currently, the analysis of a business’s cash flows remains a difficult and highly labor-intensive procedure. This article explains how the digitization of real-world assets will allow cash flows to be evaluated faster and more conveniently.


Token Standards

The functionality of tokens differs and depends on the standards they are issued under. This article acts as a guide for the most popular types of token standards.

The Applications of BANKEX Tokens

Why are BKX tokens important? In this article, we highlight several examples of how BKX tokens can be used.

Security vs. Utility Tokens

What is the difference between security and utility tokens? In this piece we describe the functionality of these kinds of tokens and show how they differ from each other.

Smart Assets

ISAO: An Alternative Way of Raising Capital for Businesses

The traditional ways of getting funds for companies, such as taking out loans, have serious disadvantages and often hinder the development of the business. This article describes the Initial Smart Asset Offering, or ISAO, which was developed by BANKEX and is one of the most efficient ways of business fundraising.

Smart Assets For The Implementation Of The Universal Basic Asset Concept

According to World Bank report, the 1% of richest people control more wealth than the other 99% of the planet’s populace. This article talks about how smart assets could change the current situation.

Government Regulations

A series of articles about China. Here we lay out how China, one of the biggest players in the crypto-world, deals with cryptocurrencies.

The Chinese Path To The Crypto-World: Policy And Regulations

Amidst Worries About The Tightening Regulations, China Remains a FinTech Leader

What Do You Know About Government Regulations On Cryptocurrencies And The Blockchain Technology?

There are various attitudes towards crypto around the world and these depend on government regulations. This article describes how different countries’ governments deal with blockchain technology.

Blockchain Technology

The Latest Innovations of Blockchain and How BANKEX Makes Them

The article is about the most advanced BANKEX developments, which some consider to be the future of blockchain.

Challenging Problems In Blockchain-related Technologies

The opinion of BANKEX CTO about ways to solve several problems in blockchain technology.

Blockchain Community

How Bankers Help FinTech to Disrupt Banking

The fintech community consists not only of the youngest generation but also of those who boast considerable experience in the banking industry. This article describes how bankers participate in developing the blockchain industry and thus help to change the global economy.

BANKEX Programmers on Buterin’s “Rent Fees” for Ethereum Storage: Don’t Panic

Certain statements from the founder of Ethereum spread panic in the blockchain community. But not in BANKEX. In this article, we clarify the latest announcement from Vitalik Buterin about his plan to charge ‘rent fees’ to store data on the Ethereum blockchain.


All the manuals are avaliable here:

Part of our mission at BANKEX is to build interest in the blockchain industry’s possibilities, and actively participate in its growth. To that end, we are committed to introducing our readers to new and unique blockchain technologies. If you have any interesting discussion topics or questions you think need to be answered, please feel free to message us!

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BANKEX  -  Proof-of-Asset Protocol

Open source PROOF-OF-ASSET protocol to facilitate #digitisation, #tokenisation & exchange of traditional assets. All things #cryptocurrency #fintech #blockchain