Tips on How to Increase your Organic Traffic on Facebook

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Selling to people who actually want to hear you is more effective than interrupting strangers that don’t. — Seth Godin

The key to a successful business is majorly dependant on the way you engage with your target audience. Social media, especially Facebook is also the key to the success of a lot of start-ups and small ventures today especially those entrepreneurs who run their businesses from home.

As of 2017, Facebook has more than 1 billion users and rightly said by someone that it is a country in itself. This year in an announcement made, it was said that the social media giant made almost $20 per user. Facebook influences our buying decisions and keeps a tab on our likes and dislikes moreover to be used as an advantage for small businesses and capitalize on their target audience.

While reaching your target audience by using the Facebook Ads Manager and paying for it is easier, targeting them organically through your content can be slightly difficult, longer but will have a lasting effect on your page audience.

Content sells and is one of the most important factors of marketing on Facebook. Study and know what your audience likes and is interested in seeing and reading. Images are a more powerful source that attracts audience. Rather than posting only about your brand and service you can engage your audience with some of the tips listed below:

  • When you open your brand’s social media page the first people you invite are usually your friends. You can invite your friends to like your page and they can invite their friends to do the same. These close confidants of yours can help you build organic traffic and likes for a start before you start using other social media strategies to build your audience.
  • Monday morning blues are something every individual can relate to. These can be witty engagements you can share. Funny enough, there are higher chances of your quotes being re-shared helping you grow your impressions.
  • Monday morning inspirational quotes are pleasant. Using inspirational quotes of your own or by someone famous can help you gain more traffic on your social media handle.
  • Sharing interesting stories through blogs and videos is something your audience would be interested in. Real life stories are inspiring and engaging.
  • Ask questions to your audience. Conduct quizzes, opinion polls and other contests in sync with your industry on your Facebook page once in a while. This will lead to reactions and comments on your page.
  • Reusing of old content that did well earlier could be helpful again. As the number of likes on your page increases the old content is new for the new active members on your page. You can share old blog posts which are not outdated and are very much meaningful today.
  • Do some research and try to post at the right time of the day. There are various websites and blogs who have shared the effective times to post on Facebook according to their research. Try it out; it might just amount to something.
  • Another way of engaging people and also building customer trust is by posting photos of your happy customers. Encourage your customers to post photos with your product like the cupcake that they bought from you or something else of that kind using a relevant hashtag and tagging your Facebook page. Testimonials and positive reviews help garner traffic on your page and increase your brand visibility, customer base and customer trust.

Just having a Facebook page doesn’t help your business grow, and it is important to learn the tricks of the trade i.e. how to engage your audience and to keep them interested in your business. It is important for your page to be active and updated on a regular basis and in sync with what your business has been up to.

