My thoughts on Toronto

Hannah Bain
Published in
3 min readOct 5, 2016

As I am writing this I am sitting in the room of my airbnb. Now I actually do like my room and it is comfortable and clean, but being out in the suburbs and in a ground floor room (which is like being half in the basement), means that my room is a little dark anytime of the day. I could go outside and be in the communal area but the idea of chatting with strangers isn’t something I like to do unless there is alcohol involved. I am actually eating a bag of crisps for dinner as I don’t want to go into the kitchen where people are eating.

Favourite things i did in Toronto.

  • Eating $1 oysters by the dozen and wanting more
  • Have some stoned bar tender try and crush some avocado for us at a Mexican restaurant.
  • Meeting Tammy (the most loved person in Toronto) and seeing her ultra cool studio. I really want her studio and her dress style, maybe I heart Tammy too.
  • Meeting up with my good friend Sonja whom I knew from Goa. She got a 5.5 hour train from Montreal to see me in Toronto, she is a keeper.
  • Eating 5 different types of Bacon in St Lawrence food markettt
  • Walking round the Art galleries in the distillery
  • Walking round the distillery district in general
  • Drakes Hotel Bar, and having a cocktail made for Sonja and I. It contained gin, spices, tea and egg white, and was simply delicious. I am a sucker for a great cocktail bar. If you do go to drakes and see Marigold on the cocktail menu then let me know.
  • Walking round the thrift shops in Kensington market. I did buy myself a lovely grey skirt, that I hope to wear lots for the winter.
  • Going up the CN tower and standing on a glass floor 15o floors up. You should go on a week day just as it is becoming dark. That way it is less crowded and you get to see Toronto at day and night.

Toronto’s acts of kindness (It’s a hell of a lot friendlier than London)

  • Had no change for the bus, so the bus driver paid for my ticket
  • About to book my uber, when Pete my Airbnb host offered to drive me to the airport. Seriously if you are looking for a place to stay that is clean and reasonably priced then I would recommend them. View listing
  • Left my watch at the the gate in Toronto airport. The airhostess for Canada Air took my business card and said she would try and find it when she arrived back. She did and has been so helpful in assuring that I get my watch sent back to me in London.

So actually after writing my favourite parts, I realise that I actually like Toronto more than I first thought.

Would I live here? No.

Would I come back again? Possibly.

On the whole I would say that Toronto is fairly cool, but don’t compare it to London or New York. Unless you prefer a less busy city.



Hannah Bain

Literally the ramblings of a London Designer and Art Director. I love to travel and work