When reading a book about anti-gravity, you can never put it down.

Banter Squad
Published in
2 min readMar 20, 2017

I’ll be honest. I have not read a book since the start of the year when I read Jasper Jones. As bad as it may sound to all readers out there, I am not a reading type of person. While some can read for days and days on end, I can barely stand reading for a day. During my 14 years of living, my habits of reading have changed. When I was a little boy, reading was something that I would do very regularly. I was passionate in reading all kind of books. As I grew older, I became more and more fond with technology, and have not been reading as much. Even though I do not read, I do believe that it is important to read every once in a while or very often, depending on how much you like reading.

I have not read any of the books from the list yet, but I will start soon.

Even though I am not much of a reader myself, I still found that when I read Dylan Thomas’ poem, I still agreed with what he was saying. I agreed with the fact that different books are made for different types of emotions and that it can give the reader such emotions through just words.

Desert Island Reading List:

Tomorrow When The War Began: One of my favourite action books. Contains a lot of action and creates suspense for readers.

Harry Potter Series: Not only one of my favourite books series, but also one of my favourite movie series. Contains a lot of fantasy and magic.

