Did I Just Run Over a Clown?

Brian Sack
Published in
1 min readDec 16, 2015

For many of us, it’s a routine question. Here’s exactly what you should ask yourself to determine whether or not you just ran over a clown.

Was I driving a car?

First and foremost, you have to be driving a car in order to run over a clown. If you were in a car, read on.

Did I see a flash of stripes, polka-dots or a smallish red sphere before hearing a squeak and/or thud sound?

If yes, then you may have hit a clown. If it’s not dangerous to other drivers, you should stop the car to check.

Is there a man or woman lying on the road or under my vehicle with a happy or sad expression painted on his/her face?

Most people who have been struck by a car would NOT have a happy or sad expression on their face. They would have an expression that indicated fright or severe pain. If the face appears creepily happy or creepily sad, you have most likely run over a clown.

I’ve run over a clown. Now what?




Brian Sack

I write for fun, or money. Once I had a TV show, now I have a podcast like everyone else! qmpodcast.com