The World Was My Oyster But Now My Eyes Are Being Pushed Into The Back Of My Head

Brian Sack
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2016

It makes me so sad.

I had it all. Dazzling wealth. Dashing good looks. Masculinity. Intellect. Unparalleled libido. A loving paramour who indulged my every fantasy. My people loved me. Honestly, I was living the dream.

And now my eyes are being pushed into the back of my head.

It’s no exaggeration to say that I was among the luckiest in this cruel world. You know how most folks live— squalor, fear, a feeling of helplessness. Never once did I experience any of those things. I enjoyed the finest foods. Drank the finest wines. Wore the finest clothes. I slept in luxurious bedchambers with whomever I chose. Did I ever want for anything? No. Never.

And now my eyes are being pushed straight into the back of my head.

It’s awful.

I need to figure out where I went wrong and why I now find myself with this brawny psychopath mining my eye sockets. It’s hard to think straight, because the pain associated with that kind of thing is ridiculous. Eyes were meant for gazing upon the world’s vast beauty, not for having tremendous pressure applied to them by a sadistic Goliath.

Perhaps the pursuit of vengeance was my downfall. Ever since my beloved sister was murdered at the hands of this monster I’ve wanted revenge. Now, wouldn’t you know it, now those very same hands are gripping my head, into which my eyes are being rudely pushed.

With very little effort, I might add. This guy works out. Best-case scenario, I come out of this toothless and blind.

But, you know what? Maybe it wasn’t the vengeance thing. I was vengeful, sure, but I went about it the right way. I took my time. I calculated. When I saw the opportunity to deliver justice and avenge my dear sister, I took advantage of it. The plan itself was flawless.

It’s the execution that failed.

I know what it was. The cockiness. I was too self-sure. That was my undoing.

The theatrics? Great. The jumping and twirling and spinning and taunting — the audience loved it. But showboating wasn’t necessary. I made it about me, but it wasn’t. I was there to exact justice for sis, not put on some twirly-stabby kill circus.

I didn’t keep my eyes on the prize, and now my eyes are being set back 1–3 inches from where they were just moments ago. All because of hubris.

What kills me, figuratively and potentially literally, is that I had this thing wrapped up. It was over. I’d won! But that just wasn’t enough for me.

When will I ever learn?

Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow



Brian Sack

I write for fun, or money. Once I had a TV show, now I have a podcast like everyone else!