3 Simple Steps to Cut 600 Minutes From Your Volunteer Management Process

Charlene Chua
Published in
4 min readDec 18, 2018

Does this look familiar?

Sample image of a volunteer sign up form, adapted from various organisations

Yup, you are right, this is a volunteer sign up form. The real question is, does your organisation still use such forms to collect information from your volunteers?

By using the traditional method of pen-and-paper to collect information, Volunteer Managers will have to go through a tedious and manual process of transferring volunteer information on hard-copy forms to online database storage systems.

Let’s do the math here: assume that your volunteer form consists of 3 pages of information, and Volunteer Managers spend approximately 20 minutes transferring each form into an database. For 30 sign-ups, it takes a whopping 600 minutes for all the data to be compiled (that is almost enough time to watch four movies)!

Volunteer Managers are humans too — which means that looking repeatedly at forms after forms after forms is VERY exhausting. With administrative work being a major part of a Volunteer Manager’s daily job scope, how can we help to reduce such admin intensive tasks?

bantu Workspace can do just that — helping you to achieve 100% data accuracy and freeing you from 600 minutes of data transfer!

bantu Workspace is an intelligent and user-friendly volunteer analytics and engagement platform that helps you to efficiently recruit, manage and engage volunteers.

Here are three ways which our product, bantu Workspace, can help you:

1. Consolidate volunteer information through Workspace’s Express Recruiting feature — say bye bye to hardcopy forms

bantu’s Workspace eliminates the need for Volunteer Managers to transfer high volumes of volunteer data. By automatically capturing and storing your volunteer’s information as they fill up a customised signup form on bantu.life, you can dramatically decrease errors in your data collection process.

Skills matching — captures your volunteers’ skills and information

And if you using Facebook or EventBrite to recruit volunteers, not to worry — your volunteers’ information can later be easily imported into Workspace with a few clicks!

Effortless and error-free.

2. Get an accurate and centralised view of ALL of your volunteer’s information across all projects & entire organisation

Volunteer evaluation and selection can be a challenging process if their information is not consolidated and readily available. However, Workspace’s Master View allows you to quickly access information of all your volunteers over the various projects you organise.

Perspective of bantu’s Workspace data centralisation across your whole organisation

With a simple and easy-to-use Workspace platform, volunteer managers can easily assess the volunteer’s suitability for the project by viewing his or her details, as well as pull up past volunteer history of the volunteer.

View all your volunteers’ information in a single space

What’s more, if your organisation has multiple locations across the country, Workspace provides you with a holistic view of all projects across your entire organisation — with almost no hassle at all.

3. Store the information of your volunteers for future reference

When volunteers participate in your organisation’s projects, their past information such as skills, experience and mobile number is automatically stored in the volunteer database.

Now, when they sign up for new projects with your organisation, their existing information will be automatically synchronised and reflected in the new project’s sign up form!

The best part of it all — they only need to fill up the new details required! Volunteers can also easily update obsolete information by editing previous fields, and Workspace will keep up with the latest changes by automatically revising the data in real-time.

Volunteers can update and input fields easily

Let bantu Workspace help you cut down on tedious chores and let you focus on the things which matter. Check out Workspace today!

