#4 On-the-go Mobile Attendance Taking

Highly Rated Automation Features of Workspace

Janelle Lee
3 min readMar 5, 2019


With Workspace’s Attendance Web App, marking attendance is now a breeze and a delightful experience

Volunteer attendance is definitely one of the key performance indicators of measuring your organisation’s success when it comes to managing volunteers. However, it often takes so much time, coordination and effort to just record and collate the attendance for just one project.

In this blog post and our next two blog posts (logging and reporting volunteer hours), let us show you how Workspace can help you to:

  • Mark volunteer attendance easily and intuitively
  • Manage huge amounts of messy attendance records easily
  • Streamline attendance taking processes across your organisation
  • Measure accurately the performance of your volunteer projects
  • Understand how a single volunteer is performing throughout the year
  • Learn which volunteer roles have the highest and lowest show up rates
  • Report accurately the performance of your volunteer projects and volunteers

Attendance Taking Simplified

Do you either have to bring your bulky laptop or print out stacks of attendance forms to your projects, just to take the attendance of your volunteers? Worried that you forget to save the attendance data on your Excel or lose the attendance sheets? Say goodbye 👋🏼 to these primitive tools and try out Workspace’s on-the-go mobile attendance taking feature.

Stay away from marking attendance using hard copy sheets

Because we know that it is so cumbersome to bring your laptops or print out multiple attendance forms, we simplify things for you. Using our on-the-go mobile attendance taking feature, volunteer managers (not just one but as many as you have) can simultaneously take attendance of your volunteers.

Mobile Responsive Attendance Web App

Downloading apps are so yesterday. Access the unique link and tadah, you’re good to go.

In Workspace, a unique attendance link is automatically generated with every project, and volunteer managers or a trusted volunteer with this link can easily take the attendance of the volunteers, on the go. We have designed the web app such that it works perfectly on any mobile phone, tablet or laptop. No download of the app is required. Just open the link, and start marking attendance!

Security First

Thanks to feedback from our clients, we even added a password feature, where you can create your own password that is needed to access the mobile attendance link. This ensures that only people with the right permissions level can access the link and mark attendance.

Bump up security levels, preventing unintended access to the link that you share!

Now that you can take your volunteer’s attendance on-the-go, let us spice things up by amazing you with the next two complementing features — logging and reporting of volunteer hours.

If you’re impressed by Workspace’s on-the-go attendance taking feature, why not try it out for yourself by scheduling a demo with us? We can’t wait to tell you more!



Janelle Lee

Social Entrepreneur, Coffee Lover \\ Product Lead @ bantu