How Organisational Psychology Can Help You Retain Your Members

Using Organisational Psychology to Improve Member Retention [1]: An Introduction to the Role Characteristics Model

Jerald Lim


By the end of this four-part series, you will understand these core role characteristics associated with member retention, and how to integrate them within your communities

“There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.” — Idowu Koyenikan

Regardless of whether you organise a biweekly beach cleanup, are in charge of eldercare service provider, or manage a social worker professional association, your community’s ability to serve its beneficiaries hinges on its ability to assemble “a group of people with similar interests […] to work toward the same goals”.

While efforts to attract new members are thus important, retaining existing members is of even greater importance. Strong organisational culture is contingent on membership stability, and engaging with existing members costs far less than recruiting and re-skilling newer members. Furthermore, members are more likely and better set up to take on more responsibilities and leadership roles when they are retained and nurtured, increasing organisational effectiveness and sustainability.

