A Game of Life

Published in
3 min readFeb 3, 2022

Written by Joel Montecillo

(Note: The Editor-in-Chief only uploads contributors’ work and does not claim authorship or ownership of this piece.)

Image by Beth Macdonald

A game of life. Every person has their own desires and wants. We strive every day, suffer and still continuing to survive to accomplish what we want. But, we have these desires that are out of control and even dictate us like we are slaves to follow its order. Are you aware of these desires?

When certain people wants a thing or want to do, no matter how perilous the situation is, that person will do its best just to get it. The uncontrollable desires dictate us what to do and what to think. Because we want it, we forget ourselves and just leave the world to judge after. After we did or get it, we will go back to our sanity and asking, why, how, or what?

You are the owner of your body and self. You have the overall control of it. Desires and pleasures must be controlled and manipulated. Think before you click. Think before you decide. An individual with strong mental state has large probability that he/she can control desires and wants.

Don’t overthink. A proper decision with proper mental state is perfect. Focus in pros and cons of that desire. If that desire can help you in the future or it can be a reliable, go for it. But if that personal desire is just for your short entertainment, think for it and decide for it whether you will continue to do that or to stop that.

Love yourself. You have to think before you will do it. Regret comes after. What you did was already recorded to your mind, to the people who saw or heard it, to the world. You can’t go back time to time.

Be mature. Think for your future. Neglect is cowardly and desperate. Don’t focus on one thing. Explore and go beyond your limits. But limit yourself in doing things. Humans have limitations and seek help to HIM.

If it needed to be stopped, then stop. If it needed to be continued, strive for it, work for it.

Desires can be bad or good. It’s up to you if you will make it bad or feed it with bad deeds. Remember, a person’s desire never disappears. Since desire is relative, after it’s satisfied, it will start to get hungry again.

This piece was originally published in Banwa’s October-November 2021 issue.

20-year-old Joel Montecillo is a proud Cebuano living in Davao del Sur, Mindanao, Philippines. He is a 2nd year college student at Davao del Sur State College. He likes to play mobile games, read manga comics and books, and write random stories. Montecillo believes that no matter how bad you are, there’s at least a fragment of goodness in your heart.



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