Interview: Gello Marquez

Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2022
Gello Marquez and Idol Philippines alumnus, now the actor of Lorde Dawatap on He’s Into Her. Photo courtesy of Metro magazine

“Alpha 3 is not Alpha 3 without Lorde.” — Deib Lohr Enrile (Donny Pangilinan), He’s Into Her season 2

This feature appears in Banwa’s May-June 2022 issue:

Looking back on your journey, from your childhood to Idol Philippines to now, what lessons have you learned?

There are many lessons that I’ve learned throughout that phase of my life but if there’s one thing that really made a mark on me is that God always has a plan for all of us. Like me, I didn’t expect that I will be in the industry because I was just a shy little boy playing around in the streets. It’s really magical the way the universe works.

Do you feel like your life has changed since He’s Into Her became a success?

Definitely, my life changed to the point that I can’t even imagine. My mom always tells me to keep in mind where I started so that I will be always be grounded. Now that my life has changed, I can now help and provide for my family. I’m just really happy that I can do that now.

Although the lead stars of He’s Into Her are Donny and Belle, the show wouldn’t be complete without the “Bearkada” either. From your POV, what makes your character Lorde an important member of the ensemble? What does he bring to the table?

It’s pretty simple. Lorde lightens up the mood of the story and he’s the comedic relief of the show.

How would you describe the other members of the Bearkada, using only one word?

Family :)

Without spoiling much, what can we expect from Season 2, especially regarding your character Lorde and the Lorde x Khloe tandem?

We can expect that Lorde will still be the funny guy in the show but you’ll able to see his other side. When it comes to the Khlorde tandem, I can say that nothing has change about how Lorde feels about Khloe and I guess by that haha, let’s just see, so please watch the series.

In the future, what kinds of projects (acting, music, your pick) do you hope to be in?

Well, I want to explore acting and I’m open to try things that’s fun and exciting. When it comes to music, I hope that I can release my own song soon.

Lastly, can you please say something to our readers in the UK, especially our strong and brave OFWs?

Of course, thank you for being an inspiration to all of us. We all know that it’s not easy to work abroad especially those who are far from their family. I just want to say that everything will be fine and all your hard work will pay off. God is always there listening to us. I hope you all stay safe and enjoy life. ❤️

Many thanks to Miss Pat Rigodon for letting this interview happen!

21-year-old Julienne Pal Loreto is an English Language student also studying digital media on the side. She’s a proud Bisaya and the youngest member of New York-based animation company Atypical Pictures, Inc.’s writers room.



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