Diversify Crypto Portfolios with the World’s Biggest Hedge Fund’s “Holy Grail” Strategy

John Iadeluca
Banz Capital


Investors and traders in crypto are naturally always asking questions like, “How can I strengthen my portfolio? Are there ways to limit my downside? How do I know where to efficiently allocate day-by-day?” → It’s normal to ask these questions, especially in a market that has made millionaires overnight. Resultingly though, many people have come to believe that they must find a single one asset, or cryptocurrency, to make them rich. The reality, though, is that they’re better off winning the country lottery and that there’s a much easier way.

Analytics give investors and traders insight as to whether or not an asset should be selected.

Now imagine for a second there was a method that you could apply in your investment to always ensure your questions like the above were answered — Well, Ray Dalio and Bridge Water Associates (The world’s biggest hedge fund at $150B+ AUM), believe that method exists.

“A lot of people think that the most important thing you can do is find the best investment. That’s important. But there is no great one best investment.” — Ray Dalio Top 60 richest human beings

Medieval mythology speaks to a ‘Holy Grail’, a treasure yielding eternal sustenance; Dalio believes his process is the…

