A Start

Synthetic Tea
Published in
1 min readAug 17, 2021

In this series of articles, essays and thoughts I will attempt to introduce crypto synthetic assets from the most basic definition of terms, to current projects creating crypto synthetic assets, to the blue sky future of this fascinating new concept.

Through getting involved in the Bao Finance project, I have become obsessed with the ideas and potential that crypto synthetic assets represent. Be fair warned however, I am an amateur crypto enthusiast with very little technical knowledge, no coding skills to speak of and absolutely no financial experience. I am not an ‘expert’. Take everything within my writings as the ramblings of a curious but unskilled mind and do not make financial decisions based off of anything here. Please.

That being the case, I would love to hear from you if I get something wrong, or right, or half wrong/right. What did I miss? What am I not understanding fully? What projects did I not cover and should? Where do you think the crypto synthetic asset industry is going? Or anything else that might add to the conversation and overall help the crypto community learn more about this new and exciting industry. (If you would like to get involved with the discussions yourself, a great place to visit to discuss these ideas is the Synthetics Channel on the Bao Finance Discord Server)

Crypto synthetic assets have not changed the world yet but they will soon. We had better start learning about them now so that we can understand their potential benefits, and dangers, as they begin to change the society around us.



Synthetic Tea

A series of articles about crypto synthetic assets from their most basic definition and current projects to their future potential to change the world.