Shri Hari Meets Bishop Heber

Param Shanti
BAPS Swaminarayan Satsang
7 min readJun 27, 2023

After departing from Ahmedabad, Shri Hari went to Jetalpur and fulfilled Gangama’s wish to dine at her house. Thereafter, Shri Hari met Bishop Heber in Nadiad…


Shri Hari told his sadhus to sing garbi bhajans. He stayed the night in Aslali and left early next morning for Jetalpur. In Jetalpur, Maharaj camped under the shade of five banyan trees. Asjibhai, Gangadas and other devotees arrived and Shri Hari asked, “Where is Anand Swami?” Asjibhai replied, “He has gone to Ahmedabad.” Shri Hari responded, “Then let us all go to Ahmedabad.”

On hearing this, Gangama instructed, “Go to Ahmedabad tomorrow. You’ll have to stay and eat here today.” Shri Hari smiled at Gangama’s command and immediately took off his rich upper cloth (poshak). Gangama took the poshak to her home without informing anyone. After a while Maharaj asked, “Where is my poshak?” Gangama replied, “It is at my home.” Shri Hari became a little worried and said, “Give me my poshak, I will not go to Ahmedabad.”

In reply, Gangama explicitly expressed her doubt, “Maharaj, I cannot trust you. Previously, you have done things such that devotees may not trust you. Therefore, only after you take your meal will you get your poshak.” Shri Hari told his attendants, “Did you hear that! Because you did not take care of my poshak Gangama took it away as surety.” Then, Maharaj instructed his sadhus to sing bhajans. Brahmanand Swami started singing extemporaneously, “Jānyā jānyā ame jānyā, mārā validā nā jādudā sarve ame jānyā…” — “I have come to know my dear Lord’s miracles…”


After hearing the kirtan, Shri Hari smiled and commented, “You have sung about the ways of a past divine avatar. I am different from him and I have not performed any of those actions you’ve described.” Brahmanand Swami retorted, “Maharaj, Bhagwan is such that he takes away everything that belongs to his devotee. Thus, how can one trust him? He tricked King Bali, killed Vali and destroyed Karna in a similar way.”

Shri Hari countered, “But they were done by the previous divine avatars. In what way do you see me in them?” Brahmanand Swami was quick to answer, “Though they were done by the former divine avatars, but was it not because of your wish that they performed those acts?”

Shri Hari seemed to be momentarily baffled, and then answered, “Swami, what you say is true. My mission is to dissolve the worldly desires in aspirants and to enshrine God in their hearts. I bless the devotees with sweet words and call them lovingly, but when their wishes and tasks are not accomplished they lose trust in God.”

Immediately, Brahmanand Swami said humbly, “Maharaj, what you say is true. But when you give us God then that is the greatest asset and blessing for us. I composed this kirtan with such sentiments and understanding about your miracles.” Shri Hari was happy and blessed him, “Swami, whenever you sing kirtans I will appear before you.”

Shri Hari took his meal at Gangama’s house and then proceeded to Asjibhai’s home. Here, in the courtyard, Maharaj told his sadhus to sit in rows and then served laddus to them. Maharaj served two extra laddus to Brahmanand Swami and remarked, “Swami, don’t embarrass me in public.” Thereafter, Shri Hari went to rest at Asjibhai’s home.

In the evening, Shri Hari went to Fulbaug, a garden, where there were pomegranate, banana and guava trees. Whenever Shri Hari came to Jetalpur he always ate the fruits of this garden. He would sit under the Borsali tree and accept the garlands offered by the local devotees. Brahmanand Swami also wrote a bhajan of this incident, “Hari baithe borsali ki chhaiyā…” — “Shri Hari sits under the shade of the Borsali tree…”


Shri Hari stayed the night in Jetalpur and then departed early next morning. He arrived at Kaneej village and gave darshan to the devotees. Thereafter, he bathed in a river near Mahemdavad. Then, Shri Hari mounted his horse and the devotees of Mahemdavad welcomed him and escorted him to the town. A bed had been arranged under the lush canopy of a pipal tree. Shri Hari sat on it and discoursed to the devotees. When lunch was ready Maharaj went to Durlabhram’s home to eat. He instructed his sadhus, “All of you fill your gourds from the well and come to Durlabhram’s house for lunch.”

Suvasini Bhabhi and Variyalibai had cooked a meal for Shri Hari. After lunch, Shri Hari happily served laddus to his sadhus and devotees. He often said, “What a great honor and privilege it is to serve such sadhus and devotees. They have sacrificed their lives on my word and implicitly obey my instructions. They have relinquished their own ambitions and inclinations and through the practise of austerities reduced their bodies. They are the pillars of our organization and through them it will flourish and spread. Thus, in their joy I am always joyful.”

From Mahemdavad Shri Hari travelled to Dabhan. Here, he got news about an English head priest travelling in the neighbouring region. Shri Hari wished to meet him. He gave prasad and a flower garland to his five parshads and Miyaji and instructed them to go and honour him. Then, Maharaj added, “If the priest wishes to meet me then arrange a meeting for tomorrow afternoon in Nadiad.”


Bishop Reginald Heber was the principal Bishop of Calcutta on behalf of the Church of England. He was on a tour of India and had arrived in Vadodara. Here, he met the resident officer Mr. James Williams. The latter briefly described to him about the noble work accomplished by Bhagwan Swaminarayan, “He is a man of character, observes celibacy and is a scholar of the Hindu shastras. His teachings promote moral purity, celibacy and respect for women. He has curbed stealing, violence and other bad practices in society. He has inspired countless people towards cultivating faith in God and pure living. Through his powers, Gujarat has been alleviated of lawlessness and adharma. He has spread dharma, values and purity in people, and established peace. He does not discriminate between high and low people. He propagates that God is one and promises to protect his disciples.”

While Bishop Heber was silently listening to Mr William’s narration he was inspired to meet him.

The Bishop was camping outside of Nadiad. Soon, the parshads and Miyaji, sent by Shri Hari, arrived to meet him. They offered the flower garland and prasad, and conveyed, “Bhagwan Swaminarayan sends his good wishes.”

Bishop Heber was happy to hear the name of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and deeply wished to meet him. He noticed that all the parshads were Hindus and they were accompanied by a single Muslim. So he enquired, “Are you all disciples of Swaminarayan?” They replied, “Yes. Bhagwan Swaminarayan does not discriminate against people of other religions.” Thereafter, Bishop Heber told the group to convey his respects to Swaminarayan and that he would like to meet him at 11 a.m. on the following day in Nadiad. The parshads departed.

The next day, Sunday, March 26, 1825 (Chaitra sud 7, A.S. 1881), Shri Hari arrived at 11 a.m. at Bishop Heber’s residence. With him were two hundred armed Kathi horsemen. Some of them were wearing iron armor and armed with spears, bows and arrows, and swords. The head of them all was a king of a small kingdom. His robust body and large headgear spoke of his prominence and grandness. He came inside the residence, saluted the bishop, embraced him according to Indian tradition and informed, “Bhagwan Swaminarayan has come to meet you.” Thereafter, he escorted Shri Hari inside.

Shri Hari’s physical structure was of medium build and appeared ordinary looking. On seeing Maharaj’s face the Bishop seemed unable to gauge his true inner form. He held Shri Hari’s hand and led him to a chair, opposite his own, cladded with ivory. A few parshads came in and sat on the floor. The rest of Shri Hari’s entourage stood outside eager to listen to the conversation that would follow.

Firstly, Bishop Heber and Shri Hari mutually asked about their health. After some formal talk, Bishop Heber praised, “You have propagated the principles of truth and morals in Gujarat and made its people happy. You have redeemed many from poverty. I had heard a lot of such talks about you and subsequently developed a strong urge to meet you.” Then, the Bishop admitted, “My knowledge and understanding of the Hindi language is very poor. Therefore, I am eager to know about your principles through an interpreter in your group. If you come to Kheda, I will arrange a separate tent for you to stay because I wish to have a long conversation with you.”

The purpose behind the bishop’s wish to meet him again was to present him with a Gujarati version of the Bible, which he did not have at the time. In addition, he also wished to take Bhagwan Swaminarayan with him to Mumbai and show him the work being done by the Church. Shri Hari, however, replied, “My life is mostly spent in spiritual travels. There are about five thousand devotees waiting for me in the next village and more than fifty-thousand devotees in various other villages of Gujarat. Out of them, the majority will be shortly attending the ritual thread ceremony of my nephew in Vartal. Thus, for the present, I cannot accept your invitation. However, in the future, if time permits, I will come to meet you.”

Then the bishop explained about the life and work of Jesus Christ, who was the Son of God, and that God lived through him. Then, Shri Hari talked about Paramatma and upasana, but the bishop found it very difficult to comprehend.

After the dialogue, the bishop gave a paan to Shri Hari and sprayed perfume on his hand and clothes. Shri Hari signed the bishop’s little book and the bishop also gave his signature. Finally, Shri Hari departed, saying, “We shall meet again if God so wishes.”

Translated by Sadhu Vivekjivandas from the Gujarati text of Bhagwan Swaminarayan authored by Shri H.T. Dave

Swaminarayan Bliss | May— Jun 2023

