The Bridge to God

Param Shanti
BAPS Swaminarayan Satsang
2 min readOct 5, 2022

What is a bridge and what does it do?
It may be old or may be new.
It may be short or can be long,
But it’s always built to be sturdy and strong.

Sometimes it’s wide, sometimes narrow,
Sometimes high and sometimes low.
Over rushing rivers and deep valleys
Some near the ground, some touching the clouds.

Bridges help you overcome an obstacle
Making your trip from A to B possible.
A safe passage from start to finish
A journey you can freely enjoy and cherish.

Life is your path from birth to the end,
Me and mine are what you defend.
Worldly thrills and joys are not your goal,
They merely burden and corrupt your soul.

The Guru is Akshar, the bridge that you seek
Taking you, the atma, to the feet of Paramatma.
The Gunatit Guru removes all fear,
And to God he takes you near.

The Guru is the face of God,
The Guru is the voice of God,
Who is the Guru in whom dwells this
Supreme Divine Shakti?
Only one who lives by the Ekantik
Quad of Dharma, Jnan, Vairagya and Bhakti.

From the Guru you will learn this norm,
That the atma is your true inner form.
Then from all troubles you’ll be freed,
Ending the birth and death cycle indeed.

Keep the Guru’s company and do as he says,
On each and every one of your days.
Hold his hands and you’ll be safe,
From the binds of the world you will escape.

The living Guru is the bridge without any faults,
Your passage to the treasures of the divine spiritual vault.
The Guru is selfless and your ultimate guide,
He is the bridge to God with whom you’ll forever reside.

Sadhu Amrutvijaydas
Swaminarayan Bliss | Jul — Aug 2022

