Exposing Steven Anderson and the New IFB:

Beware of Their Doctrinal Errors

Marvin McKenzie
Baptist Theology in American Culture
2 min readSep 19, 2023


In the world of Christianity, there are those who faithfully preach the Word of God, upholding the core doctrines of the faith. However, there are also individuals and groups who, under the guise of sound doctrine, propagate beliefs that diverge from traditional Christianity. One such figure is Steven Anderson, and his movement, the New Independent Fundamental Baptists (New IFB). In this blog post, we’ll delve into the doctrinal errors associated with Steven Anderson and his followers, shedding light on the potential dangers they pose to sound New Testament churches.

The Infiltration of Sound Churches

Missionary Jerry Jackson, among others, has sounded a warning regarding the errors propagated by Steven Anderson. Anderson’s charisma and unwavering dogmatism have attracted followers, particularly those less versed in the intricacies of theology, leading them to believe they’ve found the ultimate truth. However, a closer look reveals a series of doctrinal errors that demand scrutiny.

Denial of the Imminent Return of Christ

One of the major doctrinal deviations is Anderson’s denial of the imminent return of Christ, particularly the pre-tribulation rapture of the saints. This perspective departs from traditional Christian teachings and can impact believers’ understanding of end-times events.

Disregard for God’s…



Marvin McKenzie
Baptist Theology in American Culture

Pastor, self published Amazon Author, avid student of the Bible. teacher of the Word of God in college level . Daily visit with God www.marvinmckenzie.org