Two Women at a Bar


J.G.R. Penton
The Vignette
Published in
1 min readApr 24, 2014


Two older women, maybe in their late fifties or early sixties, sat across from each other. The blonde started the night with a rather white dull and pale face, but two or three glasses of wine later she was heading from a rosy pink to a bright tomato red. The other was an olive colored Italian descending brunette with full and plump lips, obviously bought, and triceps even a man would envy.

They sipped their glasses, cat-like and full of equanimity, and spoke about investments and husbands, of sons and daughters.

“He spent it here and there.” Said the brunette.

The blonde nodded along, becoming increasingly red in the face.

“It was like 11,000 (I can only assume dollars) in fees. Then there was boarding and books. He would pay for everything while she was there. I mean he spent so much… I could have literally bought multiple injections with that money.”

