5 Ways CRM Increasing Profits for Automotive Dealer

If you talk to veteran salespeople who have been struggling with motor vehicle sales for a very long time, you will most likely have heard one or two stories that remind you of the “simple” times before the Internet. Their biggest weapon is the telephone, and a full-page scattered behind a daily newspaper brings many qualified buyers. And to stay organized? Desk calendar, sticky notes, and pens.

Yes, there is something comforting about the nostalgia of the “good old days,” but let’s be honest: the Internet has given car dealers the ability to sell more cars than they ever imagined and to develop meaningful and long-lasting customer relationships. The CRM system is what your team needs to streamline and simplify the business processes of all your dealers.

(You can also read CRM Software: How It Works and the Benefits)

Why choose a Barantum CRM system over a common open-source CRM system?

Before mentioning why you should choose a Barantum CRM system over a common open-source CRM system, let’s first understand what a CRM system is.

CRM is short for Customer Relationship Management, and all types of businesses use a CRM system to store customer data and manage relationships with these individuals. This is a way for all your dealers to have a centralized system for all information about customers, prospects and opportunities. Most CRM has these important features.

However, some common open-source CRM systems often have features you don’t need in the automotive industry that only complicate and confuse many things. They may also lose key features that will make your life at a dealer much easier. Therefore a better idea is to invest in the Cloud CRM platform developed by Barantum that can be customized and customized for all types of industries.

How CRM Barantum increasing your car dealer sales

What are the unique benefits of a Barantum CRM system for Car / Motorcycle Dealers? Here are a few ways that can help your dealer improve in all ways of your business:

  1. Eliminating disturbances associated with the distribution of Leads

What is your current process when prospects enter? Does your sales manager assign each lead manually? Is everyone for himself and the first person to claim available leads, who gets them? And regardless of how you assign leads, aren’t you tired of your salespeople complaining to you about unfair tasks?

With Barantum CRM you can set up a CRM system automatically to distribute existing leads so that the distribution of leads will always be the same for each sales and your sales manager does not waste time.

2. Get help minimizing missed offers

Too many potential deals fail because something is forgotten in the sales process. In Barantum CRM, you can set an action plan that creates specific tasks based on the stages of the sales process. Thus, your sales force will not lose valuable deals because of certain missed tasks. And, if the agreement still fails, you can look in CRM, see what might happen, and follow up with the customer to maintain good relations to make sales later.

3. Duties and complaints

This CRM solution allows you to supervise all tasks. You can delegate and monitor tasks and after they are done, you can then make a follow-up. Sophisticated filters allow you to sort and display tasks by the due date, a person in charge, and so on.

4. Streamline the test drive phase

Juggling many requests for test drives can be overwhelming, but with a CRM system, it will help simplify things. If a customer sends a test drive request through a form on your website, it will go directly to CRM, they will get an automatic confirmation email, leads will be assigned, and assignments will be added to your daily workflow. All customer information will automatically be filled in CRM.

5. Analysis

You can analyze your customer’s contacts, the success of marketing campaigns, and so on. Almost all types of data can be analyzed; for example, sales opportunities according to customers regarding certain automotive products or brands.

Other benefits

CRM software helps car dealers achieve excellence by offering first-class service and competent advice. All of your customer data is stored and managed centrally so that all your employees have direct access to customer data by clicking the mouse.

Sales can enjoy the support CRM gives them and this means they have more time to sell. Your sales team has all the information they need, which they can even access when mobile, data such as customer addresses and information about optional extras are available at the touch of a button. Quick access to information means they can save valuable work time. CRM software shows all business processes transparently. The management team can make more informed decisions because they have a report, analysis, or turnover estimate.

Your dealer is unique. Your needs are unique. So why let your dealer success depend on old-fashioned management techniques and handwritten notes? When you make the decision to invest in a CRM system that has been created specifically for the automotive industry, there is no doubt you will see a positive difference in your team as soon as they adjust their work methods to change.



Barantum - CRM, Chats, & Call Center Software
Barantum — CRM, Chats, & Call Center Software Solutions

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