George KovalevAutomating Routine Tasks with Cron on Mac and LinuxAutomating routine tasks is something we start doing once and never look back.Dec 8, 2023Dec 8, 2023
George KovalevWhat is it Like to Be a User Experience DesignerBeing one of the most creative fields in IT, User Experience Design, commonly known as UX Design is one of the best paths for people who…Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
George KovalevAligning elements on top of the image backgroundWith Flexbox we can easily align any element or elements both vertically and horizontally inside a given container which might have an…Jan 30, 2023Jan 30, 2023
George KovalevDeployment of MERN full-stack app on render.comWith recent deprecation of Heroku’s free plan we’ve been looking for other free alternatives and found out 28, 20224Nov 28, 20224
George Kovalev13 games for designersHere are some games to play to train you eye for the colors, fonts, positioning and even drawing.Oct 9, 2022Oct 9, 2022
George Kovalev16 game for developersPlaying games by writing code is an engaging and fun way to practice and learn coding. Here are 16 games we picked for you. Enjoy!Oct 9, 2022Oct 9, 2022
George KovalevCreating an animated typing effect in ReactThe idea behind this is that we render text from the state and keep updating state variable one character at a time with a bit of delay.Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
George KovalevCreating an admin area in five minutes with AdminBro, express, mongoDB, mongooseThere is a way to set up an admin area and start working with your data in five minutes without actually building all the admin routes and…Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
Barcelona Code SchoolCloning / restoring / migrating MongoDB with mongodumpThere is an easy way to migrate MongoDB database between different hosts. Sometimes we might need it for example in case of:Jul 14, 2022Jul 14, 2022
Barcelona Code SchoolHow to make a dynamic background for React Native apps loading from APIThere are tons of cool APIs where we can get images from for our apps. In this guide we are going to use Pixabay API for loading background…Jul 9, 2022Jul 9, 2022