The Malcolm X of Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh (“Bringer of Light”) was born today May 19

Bards & Barristers


Wikipedia photo — Public Domain — Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

Malcolm X was born May 19. Malcolm X, the revolutionary for the cause of African American freedom and dignity. He was killed in 1965. He never did achieve his goal of self determination for African Americans.

Yet, a man named Ho Chi Minh (Nguyễn Ái Quốc) was born today as well in 1890. Ho Chi Minh, the man who dedicated his life for the freedom of his people and their country — Vietnam. It was once likely heresy to even say Ho Chi Minh. He was a Communist. He fought against the colonial invaders into his country. He was committed to his cause. Ho achieved his goals for his people even though much of it occurred after he died in 1969.

I was first introduced to Ho Chi Minh in high school. All students had to take a class on Social Justice. I took the class and brought with me all of my American brainwashing about Communism. I did not know who was Ho Chi Minh or the country Vietnam. I just knew a lot of Americans had died in the war.

My teacher was a veteran of the war and a divinity student named Robert Hoderny. He opposed the war and he told us why the U.S. should have never fought the war in the first place. He showed us films, had us read articles, and he talked about Ho Chi Minh and the…



Bards & Barristers

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