3 Mood-Enhancing Superfoods

Emily Eaton
Bare Blends
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2016

If you’re feeling down, you could very well have your diet to blame. Studies have frequently proven the link between the foods we eat and our mental state.

It’s also been proven that if you have an unhealthy diet, you’re more at risk of depression. There are also links between sugar intake and food addiction. Sugar triggers the same pleasure centers in the brain as addictive drugs, which is why it can be very hard to kick our sugary habits.

There is also an evident link between stress and our sugar levels, and our bodies crave a sugar kick when we’re under stress, as a way of fueling a surge of energy. This is why we tend to reach for sugary sweets when we’re under pressure.

It’s also now evident (and rapidly being proven in new studies) that fixing a lot of our mental health issues and health problems simply comes down to our diet and what we’re feeding our bodies and brains with.

The key to a happier lifestyle is nutrition, and being mindful of what we eat. So next time you’re after a mood-boost, or you just want to kick your energy levels up a notch, trying these three superfoods will do a lot more for your mood and overall happiness than almost any other food!


Raw organic cacao is a proven mood-enhancing and energy-boosting superfood. Not just because of the obvious (it’s delicious flavour) but because of a few amino acids and natural chemicals.

One of these of PEA. PEA is an abbreviation for phenylethylamine, a bliss chemical within the brain that is responsible for causing the same feelings as flood our brains when falling in love. Anandamide and tryptophan are other neurotransmitters that release feel-good endorphins, and yep, they’re found in cacao.

We must also mention Theobromine, a compound that helps wake up the senses and increase energy levels and focus. Theobromine will help to boost your energy levels, as well as inducing a relaxing effect on your muscles.

Want a cacao recipe to try yourself? How about this Raw Cacao Peanut Butter Slice?

cacao peanut butter slice


Matcha has been proven to enhance cognitive protection and reduce stress. Regular consumption of Matcha improves the brain’s ability to transmit information along its neural pathways. It therefore helps to improve spatial learning and your ability to think creatively.

Epigallocatechin-3 gallate, known as EGCG is responsible for this key property of green tea and is also a potent antioxidant with strong action against degenerative diseases.

Matcha also contains L-Theanine, which is an amino acid which helps boost our energy, and feel relaxed at the same time. Unlike coffee, there are no caffeine crashes or risk of overstimulation from matcha, all thanks to L-Theanine.

L-Theanine also increases levels of serotonin, dopamine, and GABA.

These Matcha, Lime and Coconut Popsicles are the perfect matcha treat coming into summer.


Maca is a Peruvian root that is a proven stimulant. Maca produces a natural high, while also being an adaptogen thought to have numerous libido enhancing properties, along with a full spectrum of phytochemicals.

The fatty acids in maca root help to support brain function, which may be responsible for enhancing analytical skills, cognitive function, and rational thinking. These fatty acids can also help to alleviate symptoms associated with stress, anxiety and depression.

Maca can also enhance strength and stamina, as well as providing great energy and endurance. It is said to work with the rhythms and needs of your own body.

Raw Maca Caramel Slice? Yes please!

These foods may not fix serious mental health issues, but they will definitely help to improve your mood and contribute to your overall happiness.

The trick to a happier you is simple — be mindful about what you eat. Don’t reach for a coffee or a sweet treat when you need an energy boost or a pick-me-up. Trying one of these three foods instead will work wonders. They don’t call them ‘super’ foods for no reason.

To find out how to use these superfoods, subscribe below. Subscribers have access to further nutritional information and delicious recipe updates!

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