Emily Eaton
Bare Blends
Published in
4 min readSep 12, 2016

Spring has arrived, and it’s that time of year that we all feel a little bit guilty because we didn’t stay as fit as we’d like over the winter. But don’t worry, because we have some effective tips to help you reshape your lifestyle into a healthier and happier one.

We’re not going to suggest that you all go on serious diets, or stop eating pizza if you don’t want to (because pizza is life, let’s be honest), but these simple steps will ensure that you are on the right track to achieving your fitness goals. They’re very easy to implement into your everyday life, and they will do you a world of good, mentally and physically.


Having a healthy morning routine is essential to provide structure and build good habits. Routines have also been proven to increase efficiency and productivity. So it makes sense to have a morning routine that provides us with the nutrition that we need for an active and healthy lifestyle. One of the easiest and most effective morning routines that we love, is having a tall glass of water with Bare Greens and a squeeze of lemon, along with your wholefood breakfast.

The organic fruit and vegetables in Bare Greens are freshly harvested, then freeze-dried, which produces a concentrated powder that is bursting with potent vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and phytonutrients, which are essential to support an active lifestyle.

Bare Greens can also be a replacement for your morning coffee, as it will give your energy a boost and improve your cognitive function, and the Matcha Green Tea is an effective weight management ingredient.


Goal setting is important to make sure that you’re accountable for your workouts. Setting goals that are achievable is the key to success. For example, don’t force yourself into working out six days a week straight away. Start off with smaller intervals and work your way up to more frequent workouts with nutrition that complements your exercise routine.


Recovery is just as important as exercise itself. Your body needs to be respected and fed with sufficient nutrition after exercise. This is integral to your muscle repair and growth. Without this, your muscles could be sore and you could lack energy for your next session.

Your muscles absorb whatever nutrients you feed yourself with after exercise, so refuelling properly is important. A high-quality protein is the best to consume, as it will assist with recovery, help to build muscle, and provide your body with the required nutrients. We recommend our Whey Protein Isolate blends post-workout, as they have a very high amount of protein and will help to promote healthy weight loss in conjunction with exercise.

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To increase motivation, run with a friend. This again will make you accountable, and will increase your enjoyment!

Alternatively, enrolling in a fitness class, such as yoga, a team sport, or a class at the gym is a great idea. After a few weeks, you won’t even think about bailing on a session, as your workouts will become habitual and no doubt, really enjoyable.

If you’re surrounded by people with active lifestyles and healthy habits, there is a high chance you will pick up these positive behaviours.


If you have yet to try mindfulness meditation, it could be time that you do. More than just a buzzword in holistic health at the moment, there are some real benefits to training the mind into peace, focus, and a more open perspective.

A huge percent of performance, particularly in sport, is mental. So even though we’re often busy focusing on the physical side of things — new gear, coaches, memberships, new foods, and other external factors, we forget how important it is to concentrate on the effect that our mindset has on our health.

Experts say that mental distractions can make it very difficult to maintain perspective and concentrate on our goals. If we’re distracted or stressed, we have trouble making good decisions and solving problems.

Mindfulness training is about staying in the present moment, and it helps us to stay focused, calm our stress levels, and perform at our best. It’s very easy to do, and won’t take much time out of your day. We suggest trying an app like Headspace, Smiling Mind, or Calm to help you start.

These are our suggestions to kick start your way to the summer fitness you’ve always wanted. You will never regret working out or eating healthy, but you may regret doing the opposite. Whatever you do, make sure you find the routine works best for you, and enjoy yourself along the way.

Spring is the perfect time to start implementing these important changes, and we’re sure that you’ll see your overall happiness increase, along with your fitness and the warmer weather. You got this!

Have a great fitness tip? Let us know in the comments below.

Bare Summer Body Bundle

Bare Summer Body Bundle

